
来源 :Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qinxinhun
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Speed of sound data for butyl acetate+benzene,or toluene,or o-xylene,or m-xylene,or p-xylene binary mixtures have been measured over the entire range of mole fraction at 308.15 K. The excess isentropic compressibilities (KES) were computed from speed of sound and density data, derived from molar excess volume data. The KES values were analyzed by using graph theoretical approach. The KES values evaluated by graph theory compared reasonably well with their corresponding experimental values. The KES data were also expressed in terms of Redlich-Kister polynomial equation to derive the coefficients and the standard deviation. Speed ​​of sound data for butyl acetate + benzene, or toluene, or o-xylene, or m-xylene, or p-xylene binary mixtures have been measured over the entire range of mole fraction at 308.15 K. The excess isentropic compressibilities (KES) The KES values ​​were analyzed by graph theory approach. The KES values ​​were analyzed by graph theory approach. The KES values ​​were analyzed by graph theory approach. reasonably well with their corresponding experimental values. The KES data were also expressed in terms of Redlich-Kister polynomial equation to derive the coefficients and the standard deviation.
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