预备役部队是共和国改革浪潮中诞生的一支国防新军,伴随着改革开放的浪潮,已跨过十一个峥嵘岁月。从它诞生之日起,人们就把它与县(市、区)人武部喻为国防后备力量建设上的“两驾车”。“两驾车”能否走好一个“辙”?10多年来,固安县人武部、预备役团的党委成员们,带领两套班子的人马齐心协力固国防,并驾齐驱向前进。 1984年11月,刚组建的预备役团和县人武部挤在一个巴掌大的院子里,一个门面两块招牌。搞建设,缺少经费;抓训练,没有基地;团里开会、组织活动,连个地方都没有。团机关住的6间平房,白天是办公的场所,晚上是官兵的宿舍。
The reserve army is a new national defense army born in the wave of Republican reforms. Accompanied by the wave of reform and opening up, the reserve forces have crossed eleven remarkable years. From the date of its birth, people regard it as a “two-car” on the construction of reserve forces for the defense of the people’s armed forces in the county (city, district). For more than 10 years, the party committees and members of the Gu’an County People’s Armed Forces Department and the Reserve Corps have joined forces to lead the two teams in their efforts to consolidate their national defense and keep pace with progress. In November 1984, the reserve corps and county armed forces department just formed crowded into a palm-sized yard with two signboards on one facade. Engage in construction, lack of funds; grasping training, no base; regiment meetings, organizing activities, not even a place. Mission organizations live in 6 bungalows, office space during the day, at night, officers and men’s quarters.