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一、粮食生产加工企业基本状况张家口市坝上是全国燕麦的主产区,播种面积占全国第二位。万全县万全镇恰好处于沟通坝上与坝下的桥头堡位置。依托这一优势,上世纪八十年代,万全县逐步发展起以万全镇为中心,以燕麦加工为主其他谷物为辅的杂粮加工企业集群。特别是燕麦产品品种多样,有煮食麦片、速溶麦片、燕麦方便面和燕麦粉4大系列 First, the basic situation of food production and processing enterprises Zhangjiakou City dam is the main producing areas of oats, sown area of ​​the country’s second. Wanquan Wanquan town just in communication with the dam under the bridgehead location. Relying on this advantage, eighties of last century, Wanquan County, the progressive development of Wanquan town as the center, mainly oat processing other cereals supplemented by miscellaneous grains processing enterprises cluster. In particular, a wide variety of oat products, cooking cereal, instant cereals, oats instant noodles and oat flour 4 series
取500g麦饭石,洗净后用纱布包装严密,投入盛满水的大号水壶中烧开。这种开水具有天然矿泉水的优点。按每天烧二壶计算,500g麦饭石可连续使用一个月以上。公 Take 500g medi