因日语动词具备明显的词尾活用变化,所以我们在研究日语的动名转化时,往往只是从词汇或语法的角度着手,而忽视了它的另一形态变化,即音调的变化。实际上,日语音调也具有区别词类的作用。就动词来看,若它的音调发生了变化,往往就是改变了词性,而有了不同的词汇意义和语法意义。这与中古汉语的声调情况有几分相似。现代汉语里也部分保留着这一现象,如“雨”作动词用时念去声,作名词用时念上声。 基于此,本文拟采用统计法,对五段动词变为连用形而作为名词使用时的音调变化情况(东京语)进行初步调查与探讨,以明晰其变化规律及以后的发展变化倾向。
Because Japanese verbs have obvious changes in the use of words, we often start from the perspective of vocabulary or grammar when we study the translation of Japanese idioms, while neglecting another morphological change, that is, the change of tone. In fact, Japanese tones also have the function of distinguishing the parts of speech. On the verb point of view, if its tone has changed, often is to change the part of speech, but with different lexical and grammatical significance. This is somewhat similar to the tone of Middle Chinese. This phenomenon is also partially preserved in modern Chinese, such as “rain” as a verb used to read the sound, used as a noun to read aloud. Based on this, this paper intends to use statistical methods to conduct preliminary investigation and discussion on the change of pitch (Tokyo dialect) when the five-stage verbs are connected and used as nouns to clarify the changing rules and the tendency of future development and change.