The Application of the Interactive Teachingin College English Class

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  Abstract:According to the fact that the traditional English teaching puts more emphasis on vocabulary,grammar and literacy,which causes the students’ lack of using and developing language.It is expected that with the implications put forward in this paper,the interactive teaching can be widely adopted in the college English class.
  Keywords:English teaching,interactive teaching,classroom environment,group activities,questioning strategies.
  It is a general recognition that the essence of English teaching is not only to impart knowledge,but also to motivate the students to learn by themselves.In China,the traditional English teaching,to a great extent,emphasizes on vocabulary,grammar and literacy,which leads to a common phenomenon that the students lack their abilities in using and developing language.Under the background of “Consider students as teaching subjects”,one of the greatest challenges for the college English teachers is that they should apply cooperative teaching to the students in order to arouse and maintain their learning interests.Therefore,this paper proposes some suggestions for college English teaching to improve students’ learning efficiency and teachers’ teaching quality.
  To Create a Good Classroom Environment
  Classroom environment is put in the first place because it is the most basic and necessary element for the development of linguistic proficiency.That is to say,managing classroom environment well is the half beginning of the battle.Without a good classroom environment,everything about teaching and learning seems meaningless.If students are not at ease and do not feel good about the language they learn,there will be no communication.And it appears that students feel less nervous and have more confidence in practicing language in front of their classmates when they find themselves in a harmonious class.What’s more,such good classroom environment will benefit English teaching as well.That is,teachers can manage the class well when they find themselves teaching classes where the students have a friendly relationship and work well with each other.They will be more active during the process and may spend more time preparing teaching materials and activities,all of which will be conducive to their learning again.
  To Implement Group Cooperative Teaching
  Brady & Tsay claimed that students who fully participated in group activities,exhibited collaborative behaviors,provided constructive feedback and cooperated with their group had a higher likelihood of receiving higher test scores at the end of the semester(Brady & Tsay,2010).Compared with traditional classroom teaching,group cooperative teaching makes students have more opportunities to communicate and to share ideas with their group mates.   On the one hand,group work can reduce anxiety in classroom interaction.Thus,students are more willing to study in a group cooperative atmosphere because they can feel more relaxed and reassured.And they have more chances to exchange and organize their ideas to make sure that others understand what they are saying or trying to say.On the other hand,group work provides language learners with communicative language skills they are probable to use outside the classroom.Students can enhance their social competence and strategies in group activities.For example,students may have more opportunities to learn how to structure and express their opinions logically and easily.Group activities also provide students with chances to learn skills,such as how to summarize,infer and disagree.
  To Employ Students’ Questioning Strategies
  Since questioning is an important and commonly used teaching skill to prompt interaction between teachers and students,its effect and value are appreciated in language teaching and learning.But in reality,the role of questioning is almost dominated by the teacher,which is controversial to the nature of learning process.Employing questioning strategies in the classrooms means not just the teacher’s questioning,but also the students’.Therefore,it is suggested that employing students’ questioning strategies in the language classroom is a must.
  Scholar J.T.Dillon analyzes the necessity of students’ questioning from the perspective of students’ questioning to teaching.He says that “students’ questions make the perfect opening for teaching to enter as well as for learning to ensure”.In other words,every time students put forward questions,the students’ brains for learning are turned on,which is also the perfect opening for teaching.Students’ questions play a vital role in teaching aims,and from that moment,the actions of students and teachers join in pursuit of the same objective—learning.
  [1] Brady,M.& Tsay,2010.A case study of cooperative learning and communication pedagogy:Does working in teams make a difference? [M].Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning,10(2),78-89.
  [2] Dillon,J.T.1988.Questioning and Teaching:A Manual of Practice.USA:Teachers College Press,P22.
  [3] Z.J.Qin,J.Y.Li.2013.Second language reading strategy research for 30 years:review and prospect [J].Foreign Language Teaching,(4):43-49.
摘 要:《新课程标准》指出:“有效的数学学习活动不能单纯的依赖模仿与记忆,动手实践,自主探索与合作交流是学生学习数学的重要方式”。进入21世纪以来,随着素质教育的深入,活动课程越来越受到重视,成为课程改革的重要内容。数学活动课程是数学教学的重要组成部分。分析当今小学数学活动课程开展的现状及存在的问题,反思在应试教育的背景下,小学数学活动课程面临的机遇和挑战,为小学教师开展数学实践课程提供积极有效的
改革开放以来,我国的中等职业教育从作为教育结构改革的核心起步,经历了20世纪80 年代的恢复和崛起,90 年代初的稳固和中期以后的低迷,新世纪初的战略机遇及目前的徘徊和迷茫期。因此,结合我国经济建设的战略部署,以每10年作为一个区间,分别从发展背景、政策支持和规模变化等角度对中等职业教育的发展变化进行论述。  一、1978-1987年,从作为教育结构改革的核心走向高速发展  1978年,伴随中国改
摘 要:随着素质教学理念的不断深入,在当前的高中美术教学课堂上,教师的教学任务,不仅仅是帮助学生掌握绘画技巧,同时还应该对学生的人文素养,展开有效的提升,通过美术教学环节,渗透相应的中国传统文化,不仅仅能够提升美术教学的丰富性,同时对于学生以后的发展也是大有裨益。本文通过对如何在高中美术教学中渗透中国传统文化的内容展开探究,希望能够起到积极的参考作用。  关键词:高中美术;中国传统文化;渗透途径;
化学课堂教学中问题的设计是必不可少的一个重要环节。恰当的、巧妙的课堂问题的设计,可以启迪学生的思维,激发学生的求知欲。下面是本人结合自己在教学中的心得体会,谈课堂问题的设计在化学课堂教学中几点应提倡的做法。  一、课堂问题的设计要善于联想、质疑  化学课堂教学中问题的设计,若能恰当的把所学的知识点与日常的生活中的自然現象结合起来,切入到将要学习的内容,引发学生的思考,激活学生的思维能力,将对新内容
摘 要:为了学生的就业,就应该从现在开始利用班会课开展有效的职业就业教育,让每一个护理专业的学生在进校之日起就应该明白自己的地位,明确自己的学习目的,培养良好的心态,做好自己三到五年的职业规划,并按规划的内容,结合学生的个人特点,发挥特长,避开不足,让学生在校三年的学习后,带着过硬技术,满满的信心  关键词:就业;避开不足;信心  高职院校,是高等职业院校的简称,是高等学校的重要组成部分。到200
摘 要:高职院校是培养我国专业人才的重要的基地,随着社会的发展进步和教育教学改革,社会对高职院校的教育提出了更高的要求,需要高职院校培养高素质的全能人才,而要想培养学生的文化素养,汉语言文化教学是必不可少的环节。本文对当前高职汉语言文学教学中存在的问题进行了分析,对如何改变现状,提高教学效果提出了一些建议,希望对高职院校的汉语言文学教学工作有所帮助  关键词:高职;汉语言文学;现状分析;教学改革 
摘 要:随着教育体制的不断改革深入,高职院校也在不断地发展与进步。高职院校的兼职班主任,不仅是传授知识的技术导师,也是直接影响学生身心发展的思维引导者,身兼关键的双重身份,如何清晰界定主要工作职责显得尤其重要。本文就高职院校兼职班主任工作职责展开探讨。  关键词:高职院校;兼职班主任;工作职责  引言  导员队伍很难满足学生思想政治教育和日常管理工作需求。高校纷纷采取了设置专职辅导员与兼职班主任方
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在当今的社会当中,教育所占的重要性不言而喻。然而中职教育学校又是想要快速获得职业技能的孩子的首要选择,作为中职教育者的我们自然要子课堂教育上下点功夫。恰好电子信息专业有是顺应时代而来的热门专业,它的重要性无可取代,但是现在存在的一个问题就是学生在课堂教学过程中学习效率低下,学习热情不高。那么我们作为教育者应该如何解决这一系列的问题?本文中我将做以下分析和策略研究。  一、关于中职电子信息专业课堂效