预报赤霉病的发生、发展和流行情况,首先必须摸清造成赤霉病的基本条件及其规律。我们认为赤霉病发生、发展和流行的原因是多种多样的,最主要为病原菌、麦子品种、生育阶段的环境(以气象为主)和人为的栽培条件(耕作、栽培、排灌、施肥、防治等农业措施)等四个方面因素综合影响的结果。因此其预报方法也是多种多样,但各有所侧重。若以预测所用的侧重因子来分,目前国内外小麦赤霉病的预测预报大致可分为以下三种类型: 1、侧重以病原菌为主的测报方法:
To forecast the occurrence, development and epidemic situation of scab, we must first understand the basic conditions and the rules of causing scab. We believe that the causes for the occurrence, development and prevalence of scab are diverse, most notably pathogenic bacteria, wheat varieties, the environment at the fertility stage (mainly by meteorology) and artificial cultivation conditions (farming, cultivation, irrigation and drainage, fertilization, Prevention and treatment and other agricultural measures) and other four factors combined results. Therefore, its forecasting method is also varied, but each has its own focus. Prediction of the use of the focus factor to points, the current forecast of wheat scab at home and abroad can be broadly divided into the following three types: 1, focusing on pathogen-based method of reporting: