榆潜蛾(Bucculatrix sp.)属鳞翅目潜蛾科,是近几年发展起来的园林害虫.据在克拉玛依市调查,此虫在该市为害相当普遍,为害率高达100%,受害的榆树轻者叶片呈天窗状斑点,重者叶片绿色部分几乎被食尽,仅剩叶脉和枯干的上表皮.克拉玛依市干热多风,城市绿化以能耐干热的榆树为当家树种.为了控制榆潜蛾对榆树的为害,我们于1985年进行了本试验.供试药剂有50%辛硫磷乳油(江苏连云港市第二农药厂)、2.5%敌杀死乳油(法国罗索·尤克福公司)、20%杀灭菊酯乳油(上海第十四农药厂)、40%氧化乐果(北京农药二厂)、40%久效磷乳油(江苏南通农药厂)和40%乐果乳油(山西化学厂).
Bucculatrix sp. Is a lepidopteran moth, which is a garden pest developed in recent years.According to the investigation in Karamay City, this pest is quite common in the city, with a damage rate as high as 100% Light leaves were skyliform spots, severe green part of the leaves almost exhausted, leaving only the veins and withered upper epidermis. Karamay dry windy, urban green with elm trees capable of dry heat for the family tree species. In order to control Yuzhong Moth damage to elm, we conducted the test in 1985. The test agents are 50% phoxim (Jiangsu Lianyungang second pesticide factory), 2.5% of the enemy killed EC (France Roseau Ukulele ), 20% fenvalerate EC (Shanghai Fourteenth Pesticide Factory), 40% Omethoate (Peking Pesticide Factory), 40% monocrotophos (Jiangsu Nantong Pesticide Factory) and 40% dimethoate Chemical Factory).