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把头发放在显微镜下观察,最表面的是一层单细胞构成的上皮,这层薄薄的细胞很容易损伤。那么在日常生活中,如何避免伤害这层细胞上皮呢?梳子梳头是最常见的。梳头人人皆会,但如何科学合理的梳头,并不是人人皆知。正确的梳头方法是,先从末端发梢处轻轻梳顺,再逐渐上移往下梳,直至头发完全梳顺为止。长发的小姐梳头要一束一束地慢慢梳理,千万不可拿起梳子任意拉扯,这容易把头发表面的单层细胞刮开而使头发分叉。另外,对头发较厚者,以回旋方式慢慢向上梳,这样能使梳子接触头皮,梳出来的头发富有弹性。如果只梳头发的表面,反而会将头发上的灰尘梳到头发里面去。用梳子也有讲究,梳子还是木质的好。头发卷曲浓密的人不能使用梳齿很密的发梳。另外,梳头的次数应依 The hair on the microscope observation, the most surface is a layer of single-cell epithelium, this thin layer of cells is very easy to damage. So in everyday life, how to avoid hurting the epithelium of this layer of hair it comb the hair is the most common. It is not everyone’s knowledge how to comb your hair. The correct way to comb your hair is to gently brush the hair from the tip of the hair and then gently move it down until the hair is completely combed. Long-haired young lady combing hair to a bunch of slowly combing, do not pick up the comb any pull, it is easy to scratch the hair surface of the monolayer of cells leaving the hair forks. In addition, those with thicker hair, swirling slowly upward comb, this will make the comb touch the scalp, comb out of the hair flexible. If you only comb the hair surface, but will comb the hair dust inside hair. Also pay attention to with a comb, comb or wood is good. People with curly hair can not use very combed combs. In addition, the number of combs should be