Zhoushan Fleet Fish On the Oceans

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Zhoushan archipelago is one of the majorbases of marine fishery in China as itsfishing fleets net about 900,000 tons of saltwater fish per year,which account for 10% ofthe total salt water fish in the country and50% of that in Zhejiang Province.The fishingindustry is extremely vital to the developmentof Zhoushan economy since half of thelocal GNP comes from the fishing and fishprocessing sectors.Since the reform and opening-up drivewas initiated 18 years ago,Zhoushan fishingindustry has developed by leaps and bounds.The fishing industry at present owns a fleet ofover 6,000 wood engine-propelled fishing Zhoushan archipelago is one of the major bases of marine fishery in China as its fishing fleets net about 900,000 tons of saltwater fish per year, which account for 10% of the total salt water fish in the country and 50% of that in Zhejiang Province. The fishingindustry is extremely vital to the developmentof Zhoushan economy since half of thelocal GNP comes from the fishing and fishprocess sectors.Since the reform and opening-up drivewas initiated 18 years ago, Zhoushan fishingindustry has developed by leaps and bounds.The fishing industry at present owns a fleet ofover 6,000 wood engine-propelled fishing
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10月上旬,距离201 5年华巨臣第4届青岛茶博会还有半个多月《普洱》杂志山东淄博读者俱乐部会员陈静,淄博叶韵茶庄张彩霞和深圳茶友吴文很早发微信询问我们落地青岛的行程安排
1.饲料贮存时间不宜过长如果贮存过久,易返潮、霉变。最好边生产、边投喂。 2.增加投喂次数鱼无胃,词料在肠道内停留时间短。在饲料总量不变的情况下,增加投喂次数,减少每次