生活中和自然中无处不存在美,但也存在着丑;美丑并存,相互联系,对立统一。 许多课文的作者所构造的艺术美,既可以反映自然美和社会美,又可以反映自然丑和社会丑。不仅如此,还可以将生活丑转化为艺术美,其方法是多种多样的。 一、以丑衬美。有的丑是作为美的对照而存在的。作者在创作时,常把美和丑并列在一起,以丑衬美。短篇小说《卖蟹》,运用正反对比映衬法,让美丑同步、相反相成、相得益彰。作者笔下的艺术美,通过卖蟹人(小姑娘)与买蟹人(旱烟袋和过滤嘴)之间和两个买蟹人之间的多层次
There is beauty everywhere in life and in nature, but there are ugliness; beauty and ugliness coexist, interrelationship, unity of opposites. The art beauty constructed by the authors of many texts can reflect both natural beauty and social beauty, as well as natural ugliness and social ugliness. Not only that, it can also transform life ugliness into artistic beauty, and its methods are varied. First, ugly ugly. Some ugliness exists as a contrast to beauty. When the author was creating, he often tied the United States and Ugliness together to ugly beauty. The short story “Selling Crab” uses positive opposition against the background to make the U.S. and U.S. synchronic, opposite, and complement each other. The artistic beauty of the author’s writings is based on the multi-layered relationship between the crab seller (little girl) and the crab purchaser (smoker and filter) and the two crab buyers.