
来源 :小学教学研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:frenta
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课外作业是学生掌握知识、强化知识,最终形成个人能力的重要途径,是养成学生良好的学习习惯、促进学生独特个性发展完善的重要手段。作业设计合理与否,直接关乎学生完成作业的质量,影响着作业预期目的的达成,关系着学生今后对这一学科的兴趣。笔者探究发现,小学高段语文课外作业设计应做到:重双基训练兼课外训练,重统一训练兼分层联系,重习题练习兼知识应用,重练习结果兼思考过程。一、作业内容多元化1.变单纯记诵为趣味性作业(1)以新引趣。小学高段的学生普遍都有很强的好 Homework is an important way for students to master knowledge, strengthen knowledge and finally form personal ability. It is an important means to cultivate students ’good study habits and promote the development and perfection of students’ unique personality. Job design is reasonable or not, is directly related to the quality of the students to complete homework, affecting the expected goal of homework, the relationship between students in the future interest in this subject. The author explores and discovers that the design of extra-curricular homework in high school of primary school should be done as follows: emphasizing double-base training and extra-curricular training, reunification training and stratification, applying repetition exercises and knowledge, emphasizing the results and thinking process. First, the diversification of the content of the job 1. Changed to recite a simple fun activity (1) to attract new interest. High school students are generally very good