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目的采用路径分析数学模型研究麻黄汤及不同配伍的发汗作用,从而探讨路径分析数学模型应用于中药复方配伍研究的合理性。方法采用均匀设计对麻黄汤处方中的药物剂量进行组合,以汗液增加百分率为指标,将方中药量与药效数据进行路径分析,描绘影响麻黄汤发汗作用的路径图。结果路径分析数学模型结果显示,麻黄和桂枝对于全方的发汗作用有较大贡献,合用后能增强发汗作用,并且显示出麻黄在全方发汗作用中的核心地位。结论路径分析数学模型能较好反应麻黄汤中药物之间的配伍关系,并能将处方中的药物与药效间的关系清晰的展现出来,体现了路径分析数学模型用于研究中药复方配伍的可行性和合理性。 OBJECTIVE: To study the effect of Mahuang Decoction and different combinations of perspiration on the basis of mathematical model of path analysis, so as to explore the rationality of applying the mathematical model of path analysis to the compatibility research of traditional Chinese medicine. Methods A uniform design was used to combine the drug doses in the recipe of Mahuang decoction. The percentage of sweat increase was taken as an index. The pathological analysis was conducted on the amount of Chinese herbs and the efficacy data to depict the pathways influencing the sweating effect of Mahuang decoction. RESULTS Path analysis The mathematical model results show that ephedra and cassia twig contribute greatly to the sweat effect of the whole party, which enhances the perspiration effect after combination and shows the central role of ephedra in the full-scale sweating effect. Conclusion The mathematical model of path analysis can better reflect the compatibility between drugs in Mahuang decoction and clearly show the relationship between the drugs and the efficacy in the prescription. The mathematical model of path analysis is used to study the compatibility of traditional Chinese medicine compound Feasibility and rationality.
婚姻的第5年,她越来越不安。  记不清从什么时候开始,她说的话,他的耳朵有了自动过滤和删选功能。只捡好听的放进心里,逆耳的就当成耳边风,说了等于白说。她若是生气了,他便实行“三不”政策:不发火,不顶嘴,不服软。让她既好气又好笑。  常常想起5年前。  5年前,爱情最饱满也最热烈,两人恨不得把每天都过成情人节。她是他费尽心思娶回家的校花,温婉娴淑而又不失美丽大方,曾是校园里众多男生的梦中情人。直到领
和朋友站在一起,老钱总是矮一个头,就算踮起脚尖也无济于事。一般来说,男人的海拔就是标尺,太低了可能被美女们嗤之以鼻。  恋爱时,老钱和她经常一块轧马路。她说:“有了你,我把爱当成一辈子的事业。”老钱说:“有了你,我一辈子就有追求了。”花前月下久了,她好像觉察出什么,问老钱:“我怎么看着你——还没有我高呢?”老钱说:“这说明你很自信,人都是觉得自己比别人高。”她竟相信了老钱的鬼话,老钱暗自庆幸。