从“浙江村”起家的大红门商贸区,已成为一个拥有100多万平米营业面积、5000多个国内外品牌、1万多家商户、10多万从业人员,年交易量占北京市纺织品服装鞋帽市场年交易总额57%,享有一定知名度和市场影响力的中国北方地区最大的服装服饰和纺织品批发集散地。但要打造成为北京CBC(clothing business center),建成北京“时装之都”核心区,还需要完成“脱胎换骨”的变化
The Dahongmen Business Area, which started from “Zhejiang Village”, has become a business area with more than 1 million square meters of business area, more than 5,000 domestic and foreign brands, more than 10,000 businesses, more than 100,000 employees, and annual transaction volume in Beijing. The textiles, clothing, shoes and hats market accounts for 57% of the total annual transaction volume. It enjoys a certain popularity and market influence in the northern China’s largest wholesale distribution center for apparel, apparel and textiles. But to create a Beijing CBC (clothing business center), built Beijing “fashion capital ” core area, but also need to complete “reborn” changes