User-oriented data acquisition chain task planning algorithm for operationally responsive space sate

来源 :Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nihaosww
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With the development of operationally responsive space(ORS) and on-board processing techniques, the end users can receive the observation data from the ORS satellite directly. To satisfy the demand for reducing the requirements-tasking-effects cycle from one day to hours, the various resources of the whole data acquisition chain(including satellites, ground stations, data processing centers, users, etc.) should be taken into an overall consideration, and the traditional batch task planning mode should be transformed into the user-oriented task planning mode. Considering there are many approaches for data acquisition due to the new techniques of ORS satellite, the data acquisition chain task planning problem for ORS satellite can be seen as the multimodal route planning problem. Thereby, a framework is presented using label-constrained shortest path technique with the conflict resolution. To apply this framework to solve the ORS satellite task planning problem, the preprocessing and the conflict resolution strategies are discussed in detail. Based on the above work, the user-oriented data acquisition chain task planning algorithm for ORS satellite is proposed. The exact solution can be obtained in polynomial time using the proposed algorithm. The simulation experiments validate the feasibility and the adaptability of the proposed approach. With the development of operationally responsive space (ORS) and on-board processing techniques, the end users can receive the observation data from the ORS satellite directly. To satisfy the demand for reducing the requirements-tasking-effects cycle from one day to hours, the various resources of the whole data acquisition chain (including satellites, ground stations, data processing centers, users, etc.) should be taken into an overall consideration, and the traditional batch task planning mode should transformed into the user-oriented task planning mode. Considering there are many approaches for data acquisition due to the new techniques of ORS satellite, the data acquisition chain task planning problem for ORS satellite can be seen as the multimodal route planning problem. Thus, a framework is presented using label-constrained shortest path technique with the conflict resolution. To apply this framework to solve the ORS satellite task planning problem, the preprocessing and the Based on the above work, the user-oriented data acquisition chain task planning algorithm for ORS satellite is proposed. The exact solution can be obtained in polynomial time using the proposed algorithm. The simulation experiments validate the feasibility and the adaptability of the proposed approach
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