美国人在看病时,不是直接到医院去,而是先在社区医院看门诊,如果社区的全科医生认为有必要到更高一级的专门医院去,他会开出转介证明,医院才会接受。Stark法(stark law)也叫Self Referral law,即医师自我转介法。这项法律要求医院不得从那些被禁止与医院发生财务关系的社区医生那里获得转介的病人,否则老人健保体系不会为此支付费用。这些禁止发生的财务关系包括直接的或间接的投资关系,或者是医生与医院之间约定的直接的或间接的报酬约定。
Americans do not go directly to the hospital during a doctor’s visit. Instead, they first look at outpatient clinics at community hospitals. If the general practitioners of the community consider it necessary to go to a specialized hospital at a higher level, he will issue a referral certificate to the hospital. Will accept. The Stark method (also known as stark law) is also called Self Referral law, which is the physician self-referral method. This law requires that hospitals do not obtain referral patients from community doctors who are forbidden to have a financial relationship with the hospital, otherwise the senior health care system will not pay for it. These forbidden financial relationships include direct or indirect investment relationships, or direct or indirect remuneration agreements between doctors and hospitals.