
来源 :读与写(教育教学刊) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wyy_9715072
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记叙文的写作,题材大多数都能贴近学生生活,让学生有话可讲。但在具体写作时,生活中未必有现成的切合某一题目的事件,这时就需要引导学生学会改造生活中发生的故事,甚至创设合乎生活逻辑、切合题意的故事。 Narrative writing, most subjects can be close to student life, so that students have something to say. However, in the concrete writing, there may not be any ready-made event that meets certain problems in life. In this case, we should guide the students to learn how to transform the stories that have taken place in their lives, and even create stories that are in line with the logic of life and the intended topics.
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本文根据高职高专英语口语测试现状,分析了影响口语测试的因素并提出了口语考试的必要性,旨在推进高职高专英语口语测试,并对口语教学起有正面的反拨作用。 Based on the st