NAD组建于1972年的英国,Jiri Janda是创始人之一,不过,Jiri Janda是捷克人。NAD历经几番变迁,包括丹麦音响投资传奇式人物Peter Lyngdorf接手,把NAD收归AudioNord国际旗下,后又转手至加拿大安大略省皮克灵镇(Pickering)的Lenbrook集团。在30多年的时间里面,随着主帅的变换、NAD的主销市场也发生有着一些变化,先是英国,后发展到欧洲大陆中、南部,随后强势冲击北欧,同时在北美营造了相当稳固的市场。此后,NAD跟随Lenbrook集团,主销北美;同时,AudioNord国际保留着北欧区域的销售权,形成两大集团“共同”运作的形势。
NAD was founded in 1972 in the UK, Jiri Janda is one of the founders, but Jiri Janda is a Czech. The NAD has undergone several changes, including the takeover of Danish audio-visual legend Peter Lyngdorf, the return of NAD to AudioNord International and the subsequent relocation to the Lenbrook Group in Pickering, Ontario, Canada. In more than 30 years, with the change of coach, there have been some changes in the main sales market of NAD. First in the United Kingdom, it has developed into the central and southern European continent, then strong impact on northern Europe, at the same time, it has created a fairly solid market in North America . Since then, NAD followed the Lenbrook Group, which sells North America; meanwhile, AudioNord International retains sales rights in the Nordic region, forming the “common” operation of the two major groups.