事情发生在1998年。陈丹燕的怀旧三部曲《上海的风花雪月》《上海的金枝玉叶》和《上海的红颜遗事>的出版,引起了一股对旧上海的怀旧风潮,再加上王安忆《长恨歌》的推波助澜,以及“张爱玲”热的兴起,一时间,仿佛所有的人都开始怀念起衡山路上破旧而精致的老房子,老唱片中混着杂音的周璇的甜腻嗓音, 织绵缎的旗袍配上尖头高跟鞋……走进书店里,描写旧上海的书——陈列在新书架上,几乎铺天盖地。那些从前极为普通的万年历、明信片成了昂贵的收藏品;咖啡馆、酒吧都迫不及待地仿照30年代的样式装修;越来越多的讲究情调的年轻人费力地在外滩、淮海路寻找旧上海残缺的轮廓。
This happened in 1998. The publication of Chen Danyan’s nostalgic trilogy “Shanghai’s Romantic and Romantic”, “Shanghai’s Jin Zhi Yu Ye” and “Shanghai’s Hong Yan Yu” has aroused a wave of nostalgia for old Shanghai, coupled with Wang Anyi’s “The Song of Everlasting Sorrow,” and “Eileen Chang”. "The rise of the heat, for a time, seems like all people are starting to miss the shabby and exquisite old houses on the Hengshan Road. The old sweet-sounding voice of Zhou Yi, which is mixed with noises, is made of cotton satin cheongsam with pointed high-heeled shoes... Going into the bookstore and writing about the old Shanghai book - it is displayed on the new bookshelf and is almost overwhelming. The perpetual calendars and postcards that were extremely commonplace have become expensive collectibles; cafes and bars are eager to follow the style of the 30s; more and more mood-conscious young people are struggling to find the old Shanghai incomplete on the Bund and Huaihai Road. Outline.