巧用心理效应 提高调解成功率

来源 :人民调解 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hopelesscpu
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心理效应是社会生活中常见的心理现象和心理规律,当事人的任何活动都与自身的心理活动密不可分。调解活动的效果同调解活动主客体及其相互作用而产生的若干心理规律、心理效应是密切相关的。科学实施调解活动,提高调解成功率,需要调解员正确认识、掌握并灵活运用心理效应。 Psychological effects are common psychological phenomena and psychological rules in social life. Any activity of the parties is inseparable from their own psychological activities. The effects of mediation activities are closely related to the psychological and psychological effects arising from the interaction between the subject and object of mediation activities and their interactions. Scientific implementation of mediation activities to improve the success rate of mediation, mediators need to correctly understand, master and use the flexibility to use psychological effects.
我的年岁上冠用了“三十”二字,至今已两年了。不解达观的我,从这两个字上受到了不少的暗示与影响。虽然明明觉得自己的体格与精力比二十九歲时全然没有什么差异,但“三十”这一个观念笼在头上,犹之张了一顶阳伞,使我的全身蒙了一个暗淡色的阴影,又仿佛在日历上撕过了立秋的一页以后,虽然太阳的炎威依然没有减却,寒暑表上的热度依然没有降低,然而只当得余威与残暑,或霜降木落的先驱,大地的节候已从今移交于秋了。  实际