伦敦的查令十字街Charing Cross Road,本是市中心一条普通的街区,周围游人如织的特拉法加广场,莱斯特广场,伦敦唐人街,围堵着这条充满了旧书店的不起眼的小街道,只有喜欢书,痴迷于纸质书并希望自己的生命也能从书中衍生无限遐想的人,才会将这里——查令十字街84号,作为终生景仰的圣地。这里发生过一段长达20年的美国读者与伦敦书店的交往故事。纽约的海莲·汉芙小姐,从杂志上看到查令十字街84号Marks&Co书店的广告,开始写信购买旧书,书店老板弗兰克·德尔总是想尽办法找到汉芙所要的旧书。
London Charing Cross Road, this is an ordinary downtown block, surrounded by tourist-like Trafalgar Square, Leicester Square, London Chinatown, encircled this filled with obscurity of the old bookstore Of the streets, only like the book, obsessed with the paper book and hope that their own lives can also derive infinite reverie from the book here, will here - 84 Charing Cross Street, as a holy land of admiration. There has been a story of 20 years of contacts between American readers and London bookstores. Miss Hailin Hough from New York saw an ad from the magazine at the Marks & Co Bookstore at 84 Crawley Cross and began writing letters to buy old books. Bookseller Frankel always tried her best to find the old books she wanted.