
来源 :河北法学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lgshow
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单位犯罪现象是随着经济的发展、单位数量不断增加而日益增多的。刑法虽然专门规定了单位犯罪,但是刑事诉讼法却没有紧跟其后,针对单位犯罪的特点设置专门的诉讼程序和强制措施,导致司法实践中对单位犯罪的侦查难、诉讼难、执行难的现象非常普遍。为防治高发、频发的单位犯罪,保障社会主义市场经济平稳发展,值此刑诉法修改之际,从立法角度研究我国单位犯罪强制措施,无疑有一定的理论价值和实践意义。 Unit crime phenomenon is with the economic development, the number of units is increasing and increasing. Although the criminal law specifically stipulates the unit crime, but the criminal procedure law does not follow closely, and sets up the special procedure and the compulsory measure according to the characteristics of the unit crime, which makes it difficult to investigate the unit crime in the judicial practice. It is difficult to litigate and difficult to execute The phenomenon is very common. In order to prevent and deal with high incidence and frequent crimes committed by units and ensure the steady development of the socialist market economy, it is undoubtedly of theoretical and practical significance to study the coercive measures of unit crime in our country from the perspective of legislation when the Criminal Procedure Law is amended.
单纯疱疹病毒性脑炎(herpes simplex virus encephalitis,HSE)是最常见的中枢神经系统病毒感染性疾病,常导致大脑颞叶、额叶及边缘系统出血性坏死,故又称急性坏死性脑炎。而急