广东邮政独立运营三年来克服种种困难,实现了改革创新“三突破”,迈出了减亏扭亏“三大步”,推进了企业发展“三跨跃”。2001年,全省邮政实现业务收入47.6亿元,收差1.0302亿元,人均劳动生产率11万元。获得了全国总工会颁发的”全国五一劳动奖状” 一、创新思想政治工作内容,增强思想政治工作的时代感 思想政治工作是保证和服务于经济建设的,这就要求我们的思想政治工作和政研工作要紧紧围绕企业的中心任务和职工的思想
Guangdong Post independently operated over the past three years to overcome various difficulties and achieved “three breakthroughs” in reform and innovation. It has taken “three major steps” in reducing losses and turning losses, and promoted “three leaps and bounds” in enterprise development. In 2001, the province’s postal service realized a revenue of 4.76 billion yuan, a deficit of 103.02 billion yuan and a per capita labor productivity of 110,000 yuan. Won the “National May 1 Labor Certificate of Merit” issued by the All-China Federation of Trade Unions. 1. Innovating the content of ideological and political work and strengthening the sense of the times in ideological and political work Ideological and political work is to guarantee and serve economic construction. This requires that our ideological and political work and Political work should focus on the central task of enterprises and staff thinking