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介绍了使用常压条件下的电感耦合等离子体加工工艺用于加工硅基材料的光学反射镜,诸如:熔石英、反应烧结碳化硅(RB-SiC)、硅等材料。主要研究等离子炬在不同硅基材料上的去除函数的有效性。针对获得去除函数进行高斯函数拟合,其半峰全宽(FWHM)为18mm。去除率分别为10.86,0.82,1.51μm/min。利用此工艺加工了一块100mm口径的碳化硅镜坯,获得的实际面形与虚拟加工面形偏差比在8.57%,收敛率偏差在4.7%。实验结果显示在常压条件下加工大口径非球面反射镜具有良好的去除特性。因此,常压电感耦合等离子体工艺在高精度大口径非球面反射镜加工领域有着广阔的应用前景。 An optical mirror for processing silicon-based materials using inductively coupled plasma processing at atmospheric pressure, such as fused quartz, RB-SiC, and silicon, is presented. Mainly study the plasma torch removal efficiency of different silicon-based materials. The full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the obtained removal function for Gaussian function fitting is 18 mm. The removal rates were 10.86,0.82,1.51μm / min. A 100mm caliber silicon carbide lens was machined by this process. The deviation between the actual surface shape and virtual processing surface shape was 8.57% and the convergence rate was 4.7%. The experimental results show that the processing of large-diameter aspheric mirrors under normal pressure has good removal characteristics. Therefore, the atmospheric pressure inductively coupled plasma process has a broad application prospect in the field of high-precision large-diameter aspheric mirror processing.