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作文教学可以进行不同的尝试,通过多年实践,我对研究性学习下的作文教学有如下的几点体会。一、自主选题阶段学期初,我们安排两节自主选题课。为什么安排在学期初?学生通过假期的直接或间接观察,应该有所积累,这两节课就是要求把他们假期的观察积累展示出来,然后分组汇集,再集中到黑板 Essay teaching can be different attempts, through many years of practice, I study writing under the essay learning have the following experience. First, the stage of independent topics At the beginning of the semester, we arrange two independent topics. Why arrangements at the beginning of the semester? Students through the holiday of direct or indirect observation, should be accumulated, these two classes is required to observe the accumulation of their holiday accumulated, and then grouped together, and then concentrated to the blackboard
一、激发学生的学习兴趣,培养学生的创新意识  笔者在初中物理课程的实际教学中发现,学习兴趣的获得是培养学生创新意识的重要前提,因此,教师在课堂教学中要有意识地创设教学情境,结合教材内容,提出一些极具启发性的问题,将学生引入问题的相关情境之中,不断激发学生的学习兴趣和培养学生的创新意识。  就初中物理课程而言,学生学习兴趣的提高和创新意识的培养需要做到如下几点:(1)在教学中要根据教材,并结合实际的