呼盟地方林业属于历史上的过伐林区,可采资源逐年减少,到80年代中期就出现了森林资源危机、经济危困的“两危”局面.“独木支撑”的传统观念依然禁锢着人们的思想,职工吃企业的大锅饭,基层企业吃林业局的大锅饭,采伐主要靠外委,年须支出外委生产费 1700多万元.机构重叠,人浮于事,仅直属6个林业局和林场就有工作人员3000来人,事业费支出急剧增长.生产生活资料跑、冒、滴、漏现象十分严重,损失浪费惊人,到1993年末,地方林业欠应付款高达2.5亿元,拖欠职工工资3000多万元.地方林业经济进入了山穷水尽的死胡同,人们发出了“我们的林业向何处去?”的疑问.
Humen local forestry belongs to the history of over-cutting forest areas, recoverable resources year by year, to the mid-80s appeared forest resources crisis, economic crisis, “two jeopardy.” The traditional concept of “independent timber support” still imprison With people’s thinking, workers eat big pots of enterprises, grassroots enterprises eat forestry bureaus, mainly rely on foreign ministries, outside the production costs Expenditure of more than 1700 million. Institutional overlap, floating in the affair, directly under the 6 forestry bureaus and forest farms There are 3000 staff and workers, staff costs expenditures increased dramatically. Production and living materials running, running, dripping, leakage is very serious, astonishing loss of waste, by the end of 1993, the local forestry owed up to 250 million yuan, arrears of staff wages 3000 Tens of thousands of yuan.Local forestry economy into the dead end of the dead end, people issued a “Where do our forestry?” Questions.