本文介绍一种虹膜后粘连的治疗方法。对于通过强力扩瞳仍不能解脱的急性前色素膜炎并发虹膜后粘连者,笔者采取此法收效甚佳。方法:1%阿托品或2%后马托品与5 %新福林点眼及1%肾上腺素球注,充分扩瞳观察后粘连部位。嘱健眼注视正前方视标。医生观察患眼眼位后,令闭合患眼睑。以棉签在虹膜粘连方位角巩缘相对应之眼睑表面作放射方向加压按摩,按摩与观察交
This article describes a method of treatment of post-iris adhesions. For through strong pocketing still can not be relieved of acute anterior melanitis complicated with posterior iridia, I take this method is very effective. Method: 1% atropine or 2% horsutail with 5% new Fulin eye and 1% adrenaline ball injection, full dilation observation of the adhesion site. Zhuangjian eye gaze in front of the standard. After the doctor observed the affected eye position, he closed the affected eyelid. With cotton swab in the iris adhesion azimuth Gong Yuan corresponding eyelid surface for radiation direction massage, massage and observation