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指向树世界上有些树木的枝叶竟只朝一个方向生长,岂不怪哉!我国福建省安溪县清水岩上,有一株千年古樟,7人合抱不拢。它躯干粗直,枝枝朝北,被称为“朝北树”。达株千年古樟为什么会“枝技朝北”?泉州市生物学会曾经组织了一次考察,多数植物工作者认为,这一现象乃风向影响之所致。这株古树挺立于清水岩的北坡,它的东南上方有一山口,南风或东南风吹来,这树首当其冲。北风或西北风吹来,因山势高峻陡峭,一部分翻山越岭而过,一部分波岩体 Pointing to some trees in the world tree branches actually grow in only one direction, would not it be strange! Anxi County, Fujian Province, China rocks, there is a thousand years old camphor, seven people hold together. Its trunk is straight, with its branches facing north, known as the “north-facing tree.” Ancient plantations Millennium Millennium why “branch technology North ”? Quanzhou Institute of Biology once organized an inspection, the majority of plant workers believe that this phenomenon is the result of the wind direction. This ancient tree stand on the northern slope of the Shimizu rock, with a mountain pass above its southeast, southerly or southeast wind blowing, this tree bear the brunt. The northerly winds or the northwesterly winds, because the steep mountains and steep mountains, some over the mountains and beyond, part of the rock mass
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。旁贝古城@王敏 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile. Beside the ancien
At 6 pm on the afternoon of July 4th 2003, the Xiaoling Mausoleum of Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) was named World Heritage Site at the 27th session of UNESCO’s Wo
最让美人儿们苦恼的事情是什么?唉,还不是多出来的那么几斤肉肉啦。别看它分量不大,却让好多的漂亮衣服只能看不能穿,让 女孩们心里一阵阵的痒,望“衣”兴叹。好了,本着为美
新西湖一亮相,地处西子湖畔的门耳茶坊显得格外醒目和亮丽了。 门耳的老板是位作家,名叫倪闻,“门耳”即由“闻”字演化而来。 在金风送爽、丹桂飘香的秋日,我们带着一份闲
人总是要走的,但傅老却是匆匆而别,太突然了。去年夏天秋日他还和我们中华名人垂钓俱乐部众钓友边钓边聊呢!冬季他查体住院,我们都去了301医院看他,他还非常健谈: “没啥子
从7月初到8月底这段酷暑期,鲶鱼通常躲在石缝中避暑,只有主动送食上门,才好钓到它。 From the beginning of July to the end of August this summer, catfish usually hide