俗话说,画如其人。今年已70高龄的陈自昭,满头的银发,清癯的面孔,高高的鼻梁,炯炯的目光,透露着一身正气的坦荡胸襟和青年时代的英俊潇洒。而他的画,无论是早年的《回港》,盛年的《百万雄师过大江》,晚年的《赶集》、 《榕荫》,都蕴含着对生活美和艺术美的执着追求,并引起海内外越来越多的关注和欣赏。但至今却很少有人知道,这位解放战争时期的老干部,曾经为新中国的诞生而浴血奋战。可以说,陈自昭的一生,是对光明和美不竭追求的一生!
As the saying goes, draw as people. This year, 70-year-old Chen Zi-zhao, silver-haired, clear-cut faces, tall nostrils and piercing eyes reveal an upright and open-minded and handsome youth. His paintings, both in his early years of “returning to Hong Kong”, “Millennial Heroes in the Grand” and “old fairies” in his later years all contain the persistent pursuit of beauty of life and art, Inside and outside more and more attention and appreciation. However, few people know it so far. The veteran cadre of the liberation war once fought bloody battles for the birth of new China. It can be said that Chen Zi-zhao’s life is an inexhaustible pursuit of life bright and beautiful!