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  Ⅰ. 单项选择
  1. —Where ______ your CDs?
  —On the TV.
  A. isB. are C. the D. am
  2. Here ______ Lin Tao’s father.
  A. amB. is C. of D. on
  3. — ______ behind the chair?
  —Yes, it is.
  A. What’s B. Her bag is C. Is his bookD. Is he book
  4. —Is the backpack on the bed?
  — ______.
  A. No, it is B. Yes, it isn’t C. Yes, it isD. No, it’s no
  5. —Your dresser is nice.
  A. OK B. Yes, it is C. Thank you D. No, it isn’t
  6. —Do you have a baseball?
  —No, I ______.
  A. doB. don’t C. does D. doesn’t
  7. Let ______ play basketball.
  A. us B. ourC. we D. she
  8. That ______ good. I like it.
  A. sound B. is sound C. sounds D. be sound
  9. They ______ have a new car.
  A. don’t B. isn’t C. doesn’t D. am not
  10. Please ______ your CDs there.
  A. take B. bringC. give D. call
  11. Thanks ______ your great photos.
  A. ofB. onC. forD. to
  12. —Do you like oranges?
  —No, ______.
  A. I do B. I don’tC. I does D. I doesn’t
  13. I don’t like salad ______.
  A. very wellB. manyC. at allD. very much
  14. Broccoli and carrots are ______.
  A. fruitsB. fruitC. vegetables D. vegetable
  15. —Do they like apples?
  A. Yes, they likeB. No, they like not C. No, they doD. Yes, they do
  Ⅱ. 词汇运用
  (A) 根据句意及首字母提示,完成单词。
  1. The ball is on the f______. You can t ______it.
  2.—W______is the a______clock?
  —It’s on the desk.
  3. My pen is u______the bed.
  4. Can you b ______some books to school?
  5. My backpack is on the c______.
  6. Here is a t______racket.
  7. They watch TV e______day.
  8. What do you like for l______?
  9. For d______, we have salad.
  10. Running s______eats lots of healthy food.
  1. ______(thank) for helping me.
  2. Where’s ______( I ) baseball?
  3. Please______(take) the map to school.
  4. I think playingfootball is ______ (relax).
  5. There are four ______(tomato) on the table.
  Ⅲ. 按要求变换下列单词的形式
  1. do not (缩写形式)6. salad (复数形式)
  2. have (第三人称单数)7. no (同音词)
  3. we (宾格) 8. boring (反义词)
  4. Let us (缩写形式)9. does (原形)
  5. volleyball (复数形式)10. TV (完整形式)
  Ⅳ. 句型转换
  1. The CDs are on the bookcase. (就画线部分提问)
  ______the CDs?
  2. There are some maps on the wall. (改为否定句)
  There ______maps on the wall.
  3. Sue plays tennis with her mother. (改为一般疑问句)
   ______Sue______with her mother?
  4. Do you have a baseball bat? (改为肯定句)
   ______ a baseball bat.
  5. I have noodles for breakfast. (就画线部分提问)
   ______ you______for breakfast?
  Ⅴ. 补全对话
  A: Do you have an English book?
  B: 1
  A: Let’s read it.
  B: 2
  A: Well, let’s play computer games.
  B: That sounds great. 3
  A: It’s in my bedroom.
  B: 4
  A: Yes, I do.
  A. Do you have computer games?
  B. Where is it?
  C. Yes, I do.
  D. They’re on the bookcase.
  E. No, that sounds boring.
  F. Where is your computer?
  G. Yes, we don’t.
  Ⅵ. (A) 看图写单词
  1. The alarm clock______dresser.
  2. The______is ______the______.
  3. The flowers are ______ .
  4. The handbag______ .
  5. There are______.
  Ⅶ. 阅读理解
  ● The man whose name is Read in the red house (房子) likes running.
  ● Mr Smith likes swimming. He doesn’t live (住) in the yellow or white house.
  ● Mr Black is a tennis player (选手). He likes living in the yellow house.
  ● Mr Green does taiji. He likes living in the white house.
  ● Mr Read doesn’t have a racket.
  1. Who lives in the red house?
  A. Mr Green.B. Mr Smith. C. Mr Read. D. Mr Black.
  2. Which sports does Mr Read like?
  A. Running. B. Swimming. C. Playing tennis. D. Taiji.
  3. Who lives in the white house?
  A. Mr Smith. B. Mr Green. C. Mr Read. D. Mr Black.
  4. Which one is Mr Smith?
  5. Who likes playing tennis?
  A. Mr Smith. B. Mr Green. C. Mr Read. D. Mr Black.
  Chicken5.50 Orange juice 1.50
  Egg 3.40 Coke 3.00
  Fish4.80 Coffee 5.50
  Beef6.20 Tea 2.00
  Fried3.50 Ice cream2.50
  With meat5.70 Fruit3.50
  With eggs 4.20Apple pie4.50
  1. Where do we often see a menu?
  A. In a hospital.B. In a restaurant.C. In a post office.D. In a supermarket.
  2. I have only two dollars. What can I buy?
  A. Coke.B. Ice cream. C. Tea. D. Fruit.
  3. I want to eat a beef hamburger, a cup of coffee and an apple pie. I should pay ______.
  A.15.20 B.16.70 C.16.20 D.15.80
  4. “Dessert” here means ______.
  A. 沙漠 B. 冷饮 C. 热饮D. 甜点
  5. The most expensive drink in the above menu is ______.
  A. beef hamburger B. rice with meat C. coffee D. apple pie
   This is Peter’s room. It isn’t big. In the middle of the wall there is a small window. Next to the window is a big bed. There are other things in the room: a kite is on the wall; a desk and a chair are at the window; a ball is under the chair; a bag is behind the chair and some books and pencils are on the desk. Some photos of his friends are on the wall near the door. The door is closed. Peter’s mother doesn’t like to go into his room because it’s always untidy. She wants him to clean his room every day.
  1. From this passage, Peter’s room is ______.
  A. not very small B. not big C. big D. no light
  2. A small window is ______ of the wall.
  A. on the right B. on the left C. in the middleD. under
  3. A big bed is at the corner ______ the window.
  A. nearB. atC. behind D. next to
  4. You can see ______ under the chair.
  A. a ball B. a bag C. some books D. some pencils
  5. The room is very ______ and his mother doesn’t like going into.
  A. niceB. tidy C. untidy D. clean
  Ⅷ. 书面表达
   梅梅是一个中国女孩,今年十一岁,是一名学生。她非常喜欢体育运动,每天都要打乒乓球。Miss Jones 是她的英语老师,她是一位好老师,大家都喜欢她。
  要求: 不少于40词。
  Ⅰ. 1.BCDs是名词复数形式。
  2. BLin Tao’s father是单数形式,应用is。
  3. C由答语可知,问句为一般疑问句,且在名词前需用形容词性物主代词。
  4. C用“yes”或“no”回答的一般疑问句的答语前后要保持一致,“yes”后为肯定形式,“no”后接否定形式,故选C项。
  5. C回答别人的赞美时,应说“Thank you”。
  6. B借助于do引导的一般疑问句,回答时必须出现do, 故C、D两项不选,又因是否定句,故不选A项。
  7. Alet是动词,其后跟宾格形式,因此B、C、D三项不选。
  8. Cthat是单数第三人称,故选C项。
  9. A主语为复数,否定实义动词用don’t。
  10. A拿走某物要用take, 题中有there一词,故选A项。
  11. C句型 “thanks for...”意为“感谢……”。
  12. B此问句的否定答语应为“No, I don’t”。
  13. C“not at all”意思是“一点都不”。
  14. C vegetable为可数名词。
  15. Ddo引导的一般疑问句,回答时必须出现do, 且答语前后要保持一致, 故选D项。
  Ⅱ. (A) 1. floor, take 2. Where, alarm 3. under 4. bring
  5. chair6. tennis7. every 8. lunch 9. dinner 10. star
  (B)1. Thanks 2. my 3. take4. relaxing 5. tomatoes
  Ⅲ. 1. don’t 2. has 3. us 4. Let’s 5. volleyballs 6. salad/ salads
  7. know8. interesting 9. do 10. television
  Ⅳ. 1. Where are 2. aren’t any 3. Does, play4. I have5. What do, have
  Ⅴ. 1~4CEFA
  Ⅵ. (A)1. a computer2. two keys 3. a sofa4. three books5. a desk
  6. a basketball 7. a football 8. a volleyball 9. a baseball 10. ping-pong balls
  (B) 1. is on the 2. hat, under, bed 3. in the box 4. is under the table
   5. books in the bookcase
  Ⅶ. A. 1~5CABBD
  B. 1~5BCCDC
  C. 1~5BCDAC
  Ⅷ. One possible version:
   My name’s Meimei. I’m a Chinese girl. I’m eleven years old. I’m a student. I like sports very much. I play ping-pong every day. Miss Jones is my English teacher. She is a good teacher. We all love her.
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The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe     片名:The Chronicles of Narnia:  The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe  译名:纳尼亚传奇:狮王、女巫和魔衣橱  导演:Andrew Adamson (安德鲁·亚当森)  主演:Tilda Swinton
1.猜谜语:  (1) What letter can fly?  (2) What letter has water?  (3) What letter can we drink?  (4) What letter can see?  (5) What letter is nothing?  (6) What letter is a question?  2.改换下列单词的一个字母,使其成为一个
Name: Hilary Duff 姓名: 希拉里·达芙  Age: 20 年龄:20岁  Birthday: September 28th, 1987    出生日期:1987年9月28日  Nickname: Hil昵称:希尔  Country:the U.S.A.国家:美国  Some Works:  A Cinderella Story 《灰姑娘的故事》  Raise Your Voice
【拼音】yī kǒng zhī jiàn  【出处】“持①规②而非矩③,执准④而非绳⑤,通一孔,晓一理,而不知权衡⑥。”(汉·桓宽《盐铁论·相刺》)“反古之道,谓晓一孔之人,不知今王之新政可从。”(《礼记·中庸》)  【注释】①持:拿着。②规:圆规。③非矩:否定曲尺。④准:水平仪。⑤非绳:否定墨线。⑥权衡:全面地比较衡量。  【故事】从前,有一个人看到别人布网捕鸟,发现被捕的每一只鸟的鸟头才钻了一
写在前面:他,是奶奶的心尖子、肺叶子、眼珠子、命根子;他,光葫芦头木梳背儿、大红兜肚、长命锁;他,机灵顽皮,充满稚气,聪慧灵秀,伶俐可爱。他,如果走进我们今天的生活,也许已过古稀之年。今天,让我们跟随著名作家刘绍棠一起去认识《蒲柳人家》这部小说中的主人公——何满子,一起去欣赏一幅散发着浓郁乡土气息的风俗画。  【作家印象】  刘绍棠(1936—1997),现代著名作家,北京通州儒林村人。13岁开始
作文应该来源于生活,应该是从心灵的深处悄然流淌出的歌声;应该清新自然,充满真情;应该一字一句都能让人读出生活的原味,甚至令读者产生强烈的共鸣,或流连忘返,或拍案叫绝,或泪流满面……  最近,有一位日本小学生就写出了这样的一篇好作文。在这篇题为“我和爸爸的便当盒”的作文中,小作者向已去世的爸爸汇报了自己使用爸爸的便当盒的经过,表达了对爸爸的深切思念之情,同时,字里行间又流露出一种坚强、一种对未来美好
人生是一次无法回头的单程旅行,它的意义在于追求一种灿烂的极致而不是虚无的永恒。在成长的过程中,只有保持正确的心灵航向,追求内心的强大,高举生命的鼓槌,才能奏出生命的最强音,才能在春天里欣赏花开、在秋日里收获硕果。  【选文一】   心灵的方向  王飙  在我们的心灵还纯净、纯真得不曾被世俗、物欲所污染的日子里曾诞生的憧憬和向往,往往就像生命的罗盘一样,指引着我们一生通往幸福快乐、成功卓越的方向。因