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  ·联系编辑:[email protected]   CAEXPO Accelerates the Construction of China-ASEAN Health Community
  Written by Guan Qiuyun / Translated by Mo Tingting
  Although the economy of China and ASEAN is gradually recovering, and even trade cooperation keeps rising against the trend and moving forward steadily, the increasing number of confirmed cases and suspected cases at home and abroad, as well as the new instructions on epidemic prevention also make people realize that epidemic prevention and control is still the background of social development in a long time.
  At present, disease prevention and control with the focus on the COVID-19 is still an important task for China and ASEAN. And it has yielded fruitful results, the secret of which is that both sides have always been strengthening cooperation in public health. The China-ASEAN Expo (hereinafter referred to as the CAEXPO) has long focused on health cooperation between the two sides, actively built platforms, and discussed issues such as international cooperation, joint prevention and control, and further improvement of the regional health management level. We can see from the achievements that the influence of the CAEXPO is empowering the construction of China-ASEAN health community.
  Tall buildings rise from the ground
  As the friendly relationship between China and ASEAN has entered a mature and stable age, accelerating the construction of China-ASEAN health community has become a key area in China-ASEAN cooperation. A journey of 1,000 miles begins with a single step. CAEXPO makes great efforts in laying a foundation for building the China-ASEAN health community.
  With the help of the CAEXPO, China and ASEAN carried out extensive exchanges and cooperation in medical health and held a series of activities such as the China-ASEAN Summit Forum on Traditional Medicine and China-ASEAN Forum on Dentistry, which created a good atmosphere for exchanges between China and ASEAN countries in medical health. Besides, both sides innovatively organized the first China-ASEAN Health Cooperation Forum in 2016 by integrating resources, thus forming a mechanism of “holding one session every two years”. Since then, a new channel of China-ASEAN health cooperation and exchange has been set up.
  In the past two sessions of the China-ASEAN Health Cooperation Forum, the Nanning Declaration on China-ASEAN Health Cooperation and the Cooperation Initiative of the 2nd China-ASEAN Forum on Health Cooperation Towards a Health Silk Road were approved and launched, which further consolidated the health cooperation between the two sides. At the same time, the China-ASEAN hospital cooperation alliance has been established, several specialist alliances have been set up, and multi-disciplinary platforms have been built. Besides, six cooperation agreements have been signed, including co-construction of medicinal plant planting base, and diagnosis and treatment technology training center with ethnic medicine characteristics.   The establishment of multilateral cooperation in health can not only provide a platform for exchange and cooperation among government officials, experts, scholars, and business representatives, but also deepen the breadth and depth of the countries’ participation in global health governance. The impact and contribution of the previous CAEXPO in public health pave the way for the breakthrough achievements made by the 3rd China-ASEAN Health Cooperation Forum in 2020 and also lays a solid foundation for accelerating the construction of China-ASEAN health community.
  China-ASEAN health cooperation under the epidemic
  Under the epidemic, people are looking forward to seeking cooperation between China and ASEAN in new fields. The successful holding of the 17th CAEXPO made cooperation projects in health between both sides become practical.
  As an important forum under the framework of the 17th CAEXPO, the 3rd China-ASEAN Health Cooperation Forum has six sub-forums, including epidemic prevention and control, hospital management, and health emergency. Experts and scholars from various medical fields gathered to pass on wisdom for China-ASEAN health cooperation, and also to offer suggestions for the current measures of infectious disease prevention and control, which have achieved practical results.
  In the 3rd China-ASEAN Health Cooperation Forum, the 3rd China-ASEAN Health Cooperation Forum Initiative was released, and the Implementation Plan of China-Indonesia Health Cooperation was signed. The rich content of the Initiative injected new impetus into the China-ASEAN epidemic prevention and control cooperation in the future. In the 2020 China-ASEAN Forum on Hospital Management Cooperation, the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangxi Medical University, together with Mindray International Medical Co., Ltd., UnionPay Co., Ltd., and Guangxi Canhui Information Consulting Co., Ltd. in China, signed cloud contracts with NaypyiTaw General Hospital in Myanmar, Vietnam-Germany Friendship Hospital in Vietnam and Friendship Hospital in Laos and established cross-border medical cooperation platforms with Microsoft (China) and other institutions.
  Fang Laiying, Vice President of Chinese Hospital Association, pointed out at the 2020 China-ASEAN Forum on Hospital Management Cooperation that China and ASEAN countries are close to each other in geography and boast human affinity, cultural affinity, similar climate, and roughly the same disease spectrum, thus having a broad cooperation foundation and prospects in  health care. The forum will strengthen cooperation and discussion in smart health care between China and ASEAN countries, promote mutual learning, enhance the accessibility of medical services, and benefit the people of all countries. This is of great significance to jointly deal with the public health problems in Southeast Asia and build the China-ASEAN health community.   At the same time, university cooperation has become a highlight of China-ASEAN health cooperation. For example, the Institute of Dentistry of Guangxi Medical University signed friendly cooperation agreements with relevant dentistry colleges and universities in Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, etc. during the 17th CAEXPO. It plans to exchange teachers and students, and to carry out free medical services such as free consultation and public welfare surgery in ASEAN countries, so as to form an exchange mechanism, reach long-term cooperation, and provide practical technical support for emergency management, health emergency skills training, and the construction of three-dimensional rescue system in Guangxi under the epidemic.
  It is worth mentioning that the physical exhibition of the 17th CAEXPO also added public epidemic prevention and health exhibition area for the first time, with the scale of 1,100 square meters and the focus on displaying upstream and downstream industries of the big health industry in Guangxi, such as protective articles and equipment, production equipment, software systems, etc., so as to promote the scale, industrialization, and integration of anti-epidemic medical material industry in Guangxi and help the big health industry expand ASEAN markets. It is reported that the public epidemic prevention and health exhibition area has attracted a number of local enterprises, and COVID-19 vaccine development enterprises from Chongqing, Wuhan, and other places as well as nucleic acid test kit manufacturers. The exhibition zone not only popularizes basic health and medical knowledge for the public, but also expands the exchange of disease drug development institutions and serves China-ASEAN health cooperation and jointly fighting against the epidemic.
  Making unremitting efforts and the future will be promising
  Content and method innovation and outstanding achievements of the 17th CAEXPO show that new channels have been added and feasibility has been improved in the health cooperation between the two sides. Therefore, how to give full play to the CAEXPO’s advantages and make greater achievements are the issues that all parties concerned.
  As an official platform for dialogue and cooperation between governments, CAEXPO should exert its own influence, guiding public opinions on public health emergency prevention and control policies properly and popularizing scientific knowledge. Also, CAEXPO should take itself as an important channel to maintain information communication between China and ASEAN and timely report the latest situation of epidemic and prevention and control in all countries. Besides, it has to increase seminars and forums on health and medical cooperation, invite medical experts from other countries to share and discuss relevant academic experience, strengthen policy dialogue and exchange on epidemic prevention and control, treatment, and research, promote the development of health cooperation projects that is agreed by both sides. Finally, the CAEXPO has to support the development of enterprises affected by the epidemic, especially small and medium-sized enterprises, and give full play to digital economy cooperation and on-line CAEXPO, so as to promote economic and trade activities during the epidemic.
  Chinese New Year is approaching. If we make unremitting efforts, we will have a promising future. We hope that China and ASEAN will continue to take the CAEXPO as a driver for health cooperation between the two sides and build a high-level China-ASEAN health community.
2020年12月8日下午,第15届中国—东盟文化论坛在中国广西桂林市举办。本届论坛以“文化遗产的保护、传承与旅游开发”为主题,通过线上线下结合的方式,推广中国与东盟各国文化遗产保护与传承的实践经验,探讨文化遗产与旅游业之间的关系以及融合发展的形式及路径,展望中国与东盟开展文化遗产交流与合作的愿景。  柬埔寨文化与艺术部大臣彭萨格娜:本次论坛为来自中国和东盟国家的文化专家提供了极佳的机会,我们共同分
“10年前我们每一部小说要卖一两万本很平常。我的书卖三万本都可能,现在要卖5000本就不容易了……阅读风气的降低,是很严重的问题。”获颁第六届南洋华文文学奖的马来西亚儿童文学家许友彬在接收媒体采访时,侃侃而谈阅读人口骤减的衍生问题以及儿童文学可改善华文掌握不足的能力问题等。  他撰写的散文集《小小的许友彬在小小的时光中》记录了许友彬出生到12岁的时光,读者对象是小学生。此外他刚完成了首部绘本作品,
“天能电池集团一定要走一条可持续的高质量绿色发展之路,我们有足够的核心竞争力,也有后发优势,只要我们保持战略定力,把握工作主动权,就不怕山高路远,无惧压力挑战。”近期,前来参加全国知名民营企业助推“建設壮美广西 共圆复兴梦想”大会(以下简称“民企入桂”大会)的天能电池集团(以下简称天能)董事长张天任信心满满地对记者这样说道。  在本次交谈中,张天任介绍了当前新能源产业在广西本土的市场潜力,分享了未
受新冠肺炎疫情影响,东盟的外商直接投资减少了约1/3,大华银行的一份报告显示,《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》(RCEP)有望成为东盟经济增长的新动力。  联合国贸易和发展会议(贸发会议)一项数据显示,2020年,东盟的外商直接投资为1070亿美元(约合7027亿元人民币),降低了31%;全球平均降幅更大,达到42%。  尽管贸发会议警示,2021年的外商直接投资仍可能保持在较低水平,但大华银行研究主
春江水暖鸭先知,在中国改革开放的历程里,民营企业家可以说是最早把握住新机遇的一批人,如今,民营企业也早已成为中国经济社会发展中不可或缺的重要部分。始创于1984年的正泰集团股份有限公司(以下简称正泰集团)就是其中的一员。  当“国内大循环”“国内国际双循环”成为时下热词,作为全球知名的智慧能源解决方案提供商,正泰集团将投资的目光聚焦在了内联外通达江海的广西,计划投资百亿助力广西智慧新能源的发展,辐
在2019年11月印度宣布退出《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》(RCEP)谈判之后,15个成员国于2020年11月正式签署RCEP,完成了8年“长跑”。不过在2020年12月7日,新加坡总理李显龙在一场活动中表示,希望印度未来重新考虑加入RCEP。  2021年,新加坡将接过东盟—印度对话协调国一棒。李显龙称,新加坡期待深化双方关系,就广泛课题进行探讨。除了新加坡,马来西亚、日本、澳大利亚等RCEP成
“广西是中国面对东盟开放的前沿,有助于我们企业进一步辐射东南亚,扩大销售。没有市场,就没有落地的可能。”玖龙纸业(控股)有限公司董事长张茵在接受本刊记者采访时说道。双循环的新发展格局带动的步步上涨的市场需求催生了玖龍纸业(控股)有限公司(以下简称玖龙纸业)扩大生产的需要,这一次,玖龙纸业选择了广西。  在2020年12月举行的全国知名民营企业助推“建设壮美广西 共圆复兴梦想”大会签约仪式上,中国造
随着脱欧谈判过渡期届满,英国与欧盟的脱欧协议持续陷入僵局。但是,英国及时调整方向,把眼光放到了亚洲,积极开拓自贸谈判,目前已经取得与新加坡、越南两个国家签订自贸协议的重要进步。  英国国际贸易大臣Liz Truss:与新加坡和越南的双边自贸协定,是英国广泛战略投资的一部分,不仅将带来几十亿英镑的贸易额,也为未来的数字合作伙伴关系,和加入全面与进步跨太平洋伙伴关系协定(CPTPP)奠定基础。  新加
美国当地时间2020年12月14日,美国选举人团共538位选举人按照各州选举结果投下选举人票,正式选出美国总统和副总统,确认民主党人拜登赢得美国大选,成为新一届美国总统。  新加坡总理李显龙:许多国家期待美国在拜登政府领导下发挥国际领导力,一起合作克服全球所面对的挑战,尤其是眼前新冠肺炎疫情所带来的危机;除了新加坡,东南亚有许多国家欢迎美国加强参与亚太区域事务,拜登政府可以继续把新加坡视为伙伴和朋