
来源 :西安政治学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kekedehome
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军事司法机关是指国家设在军队内的依法行使司法权的特殊机关 ,它包括军事法院、军事检察院和部队团以上单位的保卫部门。现行军事司法机关沿用传统模式 ,司法效益不高 ,司法范围较小 ,必须进行改革。改革军事司法领导体制 ,严格实行党司分开 ,改进党对司法干部的管理 ,军事司法机关应当实行双重领导体制 ,即在接受其上级国家司法机关领导的同时 ,接受军队军事指挥权的领导。扩大军事司法职权 ,把涉军民事、经济、行政案件纳入军事司法管辖范围。逐步建立一支高素质的军事司法队伍 ,在我国《法官法》和《检察官法》中设专章明确规定军事司法人员的职权与职责 Military judicial organs refer to the special organs in the army where the judicial power is exercised in accordance with the law and include the defense departments of military courts, military procuratorates and units above the army regiment. The current military judiciary follows the traditional model with low judicial efficiency and a small judicial scope and must carry out reforms. We must reform the leadership system of military justice, strictly implement the separation of party division and administration and improve the party’s management of judicial cadres. Military judicial organs should implement a dual leadership system, that is, accept the leadership of military command of military forces while accepting the leadership of the judicial organs at higher levels. Expand military judicial authority and include military, economic and administrative cases involving military forces in the military jurisdiction. Gradually establish a contingent of high-quality military judicial personnel, and set up a special chapter in our “Law on Judges” and “Law on Prosecutors” to clearly define the powers and responsibilities of military judicial personnel
综合分析了电子商务的含义、特点及其交易过程,详细介绍了电子商务技术在美军油料采购供应过程中的应用情况。 A comprehensive analysis of the meaning of e-commerce, fe
:加强思想政治工作的针对性 ,必须重视以下三点 :根据当前形势的特点 ,加强和改进思想政治工作 ;根据思想政治工作对象的新变化 ,区分层次地解决官兵的思想和实际问题 ;根据
For transcriptome analysis,it is critical to precisely define all the transcripts across the whole genome.More and more digital gene expression (DGE) scannings