温家宝11月25日在中央党校作“关于当前经济形势和任务”的报告中指出,中央经济工作会议提出明年重点要抓好扩大内需、结构调整、科技进步、深化改革、改善人民生活五项主要任务。这五项任务是有机的整体,有着密切的内在联系。 首先,扩大内需,实行积极的财政政策,就是抓住机遇,加快发展。发展是解决我们面临所有问题的关键。解决有效需求不足,要靠发展;进行结构调整,
Wen Jiabao pointed out in his report on the current economic situation and tasks conducted by the Central Party School on November 25 that the Central Economic Work Conference proposed that the next five years focus on the five major tasks of expanding domestic demand, structural adjustment, scientific and technological progress, deepening reform and improving people’s livelihood task. These five tasks are organic and intimately linked. First of all, to expand domestic demand and implement a proactive fiscal policy means seizing the opportunity and speeding up development. Development is the key to solving all the problems we face. To solve the problem of insufficient effective demand, we must rely on development; carry out structural adjustment,