As early as in 2000, a non-governmental organization called “Women’s World Summit Foundation” designated November 19th as “World against Child Abuse Day” every year to focus on child abuse and child overlook. Until 2010, over 400 organizations in 133 countries and regions have responded to it.
早在2000年时,非政府组织“妇女世界首脑会议基金会”就将每年的 11月19日确定为“世界防止虐待儿童日”,以关注儿童遭受虐待和忽视问题。截止2010年,已有400多个组织在133个国家和地区响应。
For child abuse, the definition in the United States Federal Law reads like this: In general, child abuse and overlook can be divided into four categories. The first is overlook, meaning being indifferent to their disease and hunger. The second is physical hurting. The third is sexual abuse. The fourth is mental abuse, like consistent abuse and excessive punishment. Minors’ protection is a systems engineering, relating to society, family, state and other multiple parties. Although there are cases of parents’ guardianship absence, countries in the world are trying to figure out ways to “maximize minors’ interests”.
In America, the state pays much attention to minors’ custody, and people’s failing to take care of children would lose guardianship. As early as in 1874, New York established the first association for preventing child abuse in United States. The United States Congress passed Child Abuse Prevention and Disposal Act in 1974 and Child Protection Act in 1984. At present, there are a series of legal documents protecting the legitimate rights and interests of minors in America, like Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act, Adoption Assistance and Child Welfare Act, Adoption and Safe Families Act and 2000 Child Abuse Prevention and Enforcement Act. One thing mentionable is that, there is a specific “compulsive report” system in Preventing Child Abuse Act that, anyone who contact with children, like neighbors, doctors, teachers, health care workers and others should inform related institutions as long as they think there are children suffering family abuse. Those fail to report will pay the fine or get short-term imprisonment. Besides, by explicit order America bans leaving children under the age of 8 alone at home or in a car. If outbreak of fire or accidental injuries happens in such kind of situation, parents may face prosecution or even be arrested.
America not only uses legal system to protect legitimate rights and interests of minors, but also sets up specialized agencies. Nowadays, there are various civil groups in America dealing with child abuse prevention, and almost every state has a “Child Protective Service”, managing child abuse affairs. In addition, there is a program called “Speak up Be Safe” in American schools, the purpose of which is to help minors safeguard their own rights; understand what child abuse is and how to seek for help. 美国联邦法律如此定义虐待儿童:一般而言,虐待和忽视儿童可分为四类。一是忽视,面对未成年人的疾病和饥饿问题不闻不问。二是身体伤害。三是性虐待。四是情感虐待,如持续辱骂、过度惩罚等。未成年人的保护问题是一项系统工程,涉及到社会、家庭、国家等多方连接体。虽然时常有父母监护缺位现象发生,但世界各国都在想方设法尽量做到“未成年人权益最大化”。
美国不仅从法律制度上保护未成年合法权益,还设立了专门的儿童权益机构。如今,美国防止虐童的民间组织五花八门,几乎每个州都有一个“儿童保护服务处”,专门处理虐童事务。此外,美国在各个学校间推行“Speak Up Be Safe”项目,这个项目以教育为目的,主要帮助未成年人自我维权,让未成年人明白什么是虐童以及如何寻求帮助。
Like the United States, Germany also has rules to prohibit leaving children alone at home. Germany has more specific details in minors’ custody. In its laws and regulations, parents’ supervision should vary with each individual according to age, physical condition, personality, mental condition and other elements. Parents are not allowed to beat children nor lock them up; otherwise they would be fined or be sentenced. If their negligence of duty causes physical or mental harm to children, in some serious situation, they would be deprived of guardianship or even be punished by law. Moreover, there are some specialized regulations and rules in Germany to keep children safe, like when travelling by car, children should use safety chairs and fasten seat belts.
For negligent parents, Canadian law would impose heavy fines on them, or strip their guardianship or even ask them to replace their children to go to prison according to the order of severity. At present, Canadian Federal Government and all provincial governments have complete and detailed Law of protection Minors and each province has its own child protect act. In addition, there is specialized institution for minors’ protection in Canada, responsible for assessing and supervising parents’ behavior in performing their guardianship.
New Zealand has specific accusation to contain child abuse. In Article 195 of New Zealand Penal Code, “Those who abuse or allow others abuse children (has not reached the age of 16) under their custody, and bring about physical harms, psychiatric disorders and mental disturbance to children, would be sentenced to no more than five years in the prison.” Besides, its law also says: children under the age of 14 should not be alone but be taken cared by parents or guardians. Otherwise, it would be a violation of laws. Japan pays much attention to child protection. In 2004, in its Child Abuse Prevention Law, physical abuse, lack of care and mental abuse all belong to abuses. Citizens have the responsibility to report suspected child abuse to children consultant agencies, and the agencies would offer temporary protection to children. In Japanese Civil Law, when parents abuse their guardianship, the court can strip their custody depending on the situation. In addition, for Japan, a country with relatively complete guardian system, every administrative division has child protection centers to receive children abused by parents.
Australia tries its best to maximize children’s interests. The 1975 Family Law Act and Children and Adolescents Act have laid a safety net for minors. Australian laws have detailed rules for parents taking care of children, like children under the age of 12 should not be left alone at home, or parents would face serious legal consequences. It has rules of mandatory reporting obligations for teachers and doctors as well. When children are maltreated, people should inform related departments.
对于失职父母,加拿大法律会依据其严重程度进行高额罚款,或剥夺监护资格甚至代子女坐牢等处罚。目前,加拿大联邦政府和各省政府制定出完整而详细的《未成年人保护法》。同时 ,各省也有自己的儿童保护法。此外,加拿大设立有专门的未成年人保护机构,以对父母监护未成年人的行为进行评估及监督。
Law on the Protection of Minors and Law on the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency are two special laws for minors’ protection in China. China’s General Principles of the Civil Law for minor custody regulates: “If guardians do not perform their duty or violate legitimate rights and interests of children, other people or units with guardianship qualification could file a lawsuit in a People's Court. Trials of general procedure are for suits asking guardians to bear civil liability; trials of special procedure are for suits asking change guardianship; respective trials are for cases asking for both.” “From May, 2013, on the basis of current homeless juveniles relief and protect mechanism, Ministry of Civil Affairs has started the projects of minors’ social protection pilots in Jiangsu, Henan, Sichuan and other 20 provinces,” said Dou Yupei, Deputy Minister of Ministry of Civil Affairs. In 2014, China plans to make a minor guardianship intervention system in that parents would be deprived of their custody when breaching their duty, which improved the minor guardianship system.
早在2000年时,非政府组织“妇女世界首脑会议基金会”就将每年的 11月19日确定为“世界防止虐待儿童日”,以关注儿童遭受虐待和忽视问题。截止2010年,已有400多个组织在133个国家和地区响应。
For child abuse, the definition in the United States Federal Law reads like this: In general, child abuse and overlook can be divided into four categories. The first is overlook, meaning being indifferent to their disease and hunger. The second is physical hurting. The third is sexual abuse. The fourth is mental abuse, like consistent abuse and excessive punishment. Minors’ protection is a systems engineering, relating to society, family, state and other multiple parties. Although there are cases of parents’ guardianship absence, countries in the world are trying to figure out ways to “maximize minors’ interests”.
In America, the state pays much attention to minors’ custody, and people’s failing to take care of children would lose guardianship. As early as in 1874, New York established the first association for preventing child abuse in United States. The United States Congress passed Child Abuse Prevention and Disposal Act in 1974 and Child Protection Act in 1984. At present, there are a series of legal documents protecting the legitimate rights and interests of minors in America, like Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act, Adoption Assistance and Child Welfare Act, Adoption and Safe Families Act and 2000 Child Abuse Prevention and Enforcement Act. One thing mentionable is that, there is a specific “compulsive report” system in Preventing Child Abuse Act that, anyone who contact with children, like neighbors, doctors, teachers, health care workers and others should inform related institutions as long as they think there are children suffering family abuse. Those fail to report will pay the fine or get short-term imprisonment. Besides, by explicit order America bans leaving children under the age of 8 alone at home or in a car. If outbreak of fire or accidental injuries happens in such kind of situation, parents may face prosecution or even be arrested.
America not only uses legal system to protect legitimate rights and interests of minors, but also sets up specialized agencies. Nowadays, there are various civil groups in America dealing with child abuse prevention, and almost every state has a “Child Protective Service”, managing child abuse affairs. In addition, there is a program called “Speak up Be Safe” in American schools, the purpose of which is to help minors safeguard their own rights; understand what child abuse is and how to seek for help. 美国联邦法律如此定义虐待儿童:一般而言,虐待和忽视儿童可分为四类。一是忽视,面对未成年人的疾病和饥饿问题不闻不问。二是身体伤害。三是性虐待。四是情感虐待,如持续辱骂、过度惩罚等。未成年人的保护问题是一项系统工程,涉及到社会、家庭、国家等多方连接体。虽然时常有父母监护缺位现象发生,但世界各国都在想方设法尽量做到“未成年人权益最大化”。
美国不仅从法律制度上保护未成年合法权益,还设立了专门的儿童权益机构。如今,美国防止虐童的民间组织五花八门,几乎每个州都有一个“儿童保护服务处”,专门处理虐童事务。此外,美国在各个学校间推行“Speak Up Be Safe”项目,这个项目以教育为目的,主要帮助未成年人自我维权,让未成年人明白什么是虐童以及如何寻求帮助。
Like the United States, Germany also has rules to prohibit leaving children alone at home. Germany has more specific details in minors’ custody. In its laws and regulations, parents’ supervision should vary with each individual according to age, physical condition, personality, mental condition and other elements. Parents are not allowed to beat children nor lock them up; otherwise they would be fined or be sentenced. If their negligence of duty causes physical or mental harm to children, in some serious situation, they would be deprived of guardianship or even be punished by law. Moreover, there are some specialized regulations and rules in Germany to keep children safe, like when travelling by car, children should use safety chairs and fasten seat belts.
For negligent parents, Canadian law would impose heavy fines on them, or strip their guardianship or even ask them to replace their children to go to prison according to the order of severity. At present, Canadian Federal Government and all provincial governments have complete and detailed Law of protection Minors and each province has its own child protect act. In addition, there is specialized institution for minors’ protection in Canada, responsible for assessing and supervising parents’ behavior in performing their guardianship.
New Zealand has specific accusation to contain child abuse. In Article 195 of New Zealand Penal Code, “Those who abuse or allow others abuse children (has not reached the age of 16) under their custody, and bring about physical harms, psychiatric disorders and mental disturbance to children, would be sentenced to no more than five years in the prison.” Besides, its law also says: children under the age of 14 should not be alone but be taken cared by parents or guardians. Otherwise, it would be a violation of laws. Japan pays much attention to child protection. In 2004, in its Child Abuse Prevention Law, physical abuse, lack of care and mental abuse all belong to abuses. Citizens have the responsibility to report suspected child abuse to children consultant agencies, and the agencies would offer temporary protection to children. In Japanese Civil Law, when parents abuse their guardianship, the court can strip their custody depending on the situation. In addition, for Japan, a country with relatively complete guardian system, every administrative division has child protection centers to receive children abused by parents.
Australia tries its best to maximize children’s interests. The 1975 Family Law Act and Children and Adolescents Act have laid a safety net for minors. Australian laws have detailed rules for parents taking care of children, like children under the age of 12 should not be left alone at home, or parents would face serious legal consequences. It has rules of mandatory reporting obligations for teachers and doctors as well. When children are maltreated, people should inform related departments.
对于失职父母,加拿大法律会依据其严重程度进行高额罚款,或剥夺监护资格甚至代子女坐牢等处罚。目前,加拿大联邦政府和各省政府制定出完整而详细的《未成年人保护法》。同时 ,各省也有自己的儿童保护法。此外,加拿大设立有专门的未成年人保护机构,以对父母监护未成年人的行为进行评估及监督。
Law on the Protection of Minors and Law on the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency are two special laws for minors’ protection in China. China’s General Principles of the Civil Law for minor custody regulates: “If guardians do not perform their duty or violate legitimate rights and interests of children, other people or units with guardianship qualification could file a lawsuit in a People's Court. Trials of general procedure are for suits asking guardians to bear civil liability; trials of special procedure are for suits asking change guardianship; respective trials are for cases asking for both.” “From May, 2013, on the basis of current homeless juveniles relief and protect mechanism, Ministry of Civil Affairs has started the projects of minors’ social protection pilots in Jiangsu, Henan, Sichuan and other 20 provinces,” said Dou Yupei, Deputy Minister of Ministry of Civil Affairs. In 2014, China plans to make a minor guardianship intervention system in that parents would be deprived of their custody when breaching their duty, which improved the minor guardianship system.