一、从苏区文化到抗日文化毛泽东以领袖身份作的第一个关于文化工作的专门讲话 ,是 1936年 11月 2 2日在陕北保安的《在中国文艺协会成立大会上的讲话》。这个讲话的特殊之处在于 ,它承上启下地体现了从苏区文化到抗日文化的转折。中国共产党在一年前提出了建立抗日民族统一战
I. The First Special Speech on Cultural Work Made from the Culture of the Soviet Area to the Anti-Japanese Culture Mao Zedong was the speech at the founding ceremony of China Association of Literature and Art held in Shaanxi Security on November 22, 1936. What is special about this speech is that it shows the turning point from the culture of the Soviet Area to the culture of anti-Japanese. A year ago, the Chinese Communist Party proposed the establishment of an anti-Japanese national united front war