Taking sand as a research object in Ningxia, the spatial variability of soil salinity and pH value in different sand layers was studied. The results showed that in descriptive statistical analysis, in the vertical direction, the pH value decreased with the increase of soil depth, and the coefficient of variation of soil pH value in each layer varied less than 10%, which belonged to weak variability. Depth increases and increases, the coefficient of variation are> 100%, is a strong spatial variability. The theoretical models of pH distribution in each layer are Gaussian model with moderate degree of spatial correlation, reflecting that the spatial variability of soil pH value in the sand is the result of both random and structural factors. The distribution model of 40 cm full salt theory is a Gaussian model and the spherical model of 40-60 cm has a strong spatial correlation, indicating that its variation is mainly caused by structural factors. Kriging interpolation analysis showed that the spatial distribution of soil total salinity and pH values in the study area was generally ring-shaped, the pH values gradually decreased from northwest to southeast, and the total salinity increased from northwest to southeast.