为吸引更多的客户,眉山鼎鑫拍卖公司除了在《眉山日报》、58同城网、公司官方网站以及其他行业网站上发布拍卖信息外,还通过走访、电话、QQ网络平台等多种方式联系了近百家广告公司宣传标的拍卖信息。虽然有委托时间紧、任务重的压力,但经过拍卖公司的不懈努力,最终有1 2位竞买人按要求缴纳了竞买保证金并办理了正式竞买手续
In order to attract more customers, Meishan Dingxin Auction Company not only publishes the auction information in “Meishan Daily”, 58 City Network, the official website of the company and other industry websites, but also contacts through various methods such as visiting, telephone, QQ network platform and so on Nearly a hundred advertising companies to promote the subject of auction information. Although commissioned by the tight schedule, the pressure of heavy tasks, but after the tireless efforts of the auction company, eventually bidder bidding bidding on the basis of bid and formally completed the bidding formalities