Manila turfgrass was treated with 25% SL-160 granules for stem and leaf treatment and soil treatment. The results showed that the stem and leaf treatments with 150-300 g / hm2 could effectively control weeds such as Cyperus rotundus, Celastrus angustifolia, Artemisia sphaerocephala, 100%, the control effect of Celastrus on the day was 71.58% -100%. Adding 885 additive 225ml / hm2 during the dosage could improve the early anti-drug effect, but had no obvious effect on the final control effect. 150 ~ 300g / hm2 for soil treatment, little effect on the emergence of weeds, but the growth of weeds after emergence has a strong role in the 65d after the Coturnum, Gleditsita, Setaria, Cymbidium fresh weight The control effects were 100%, 78.40% ~ 99.5%, 95.60% ~ 99.70%, 87.20% ~ 99.60% respectively.