骨巨细胞瘤好发于长骨的骨端 ,因其具有一定特征性X线表现 ,故诊断一般不难。但对发生于脊椎者则较少见 ,且多无特征性X线表现 ,因而诊断较为困难。现将我们收治资料完整的 9例做以下报道。本组 9例中 ,男 2例 ,女 7例。最小2 1岁 ,最大 5 0岁 ,平均 31岁。病变发生于颈椎 2
Giant cell tumor of bone occurs in the bone of the long bone, because it has a certain characteristic X-ray performance, so the diagnosis is generally not difficult. However, it is rarely seen on the spine, and there is no characteristic X-ray findings, so the diagnosis is more difficult. We now report the 9 cases with complete data. Of the 9 cases in this group, 2 were male and 7 were female. Minimum 21 years old, maximum 50 years old, average 31 years old. Lesions occur in the cervical spine 2