八仙茶系一九六五年于诏安县秀篆当地有性群体中,以单株选择、无性繁殖而成的无性系新茶种。因在该县西潭乡八仙山下的汀洋茶场选育而成,一九八二年龙溪地区科委组织现场鉴评会时命名为“八仙荼”。 八仙茶是我省近年新选育成功的适制乌龙茶的早芽良种。截至一九八六年底由汀洋茶场和太平乡大布村个体育苗户(原先亦从汀洋茶场引种的)约供八仙茶苗三百五十万株,在福建、广东两省的近二十个县(市)种植一千六百六十九亩。其中诏安县扩种八百四十九亩;福建省的云霄县、长泰县、华安县、平和县、漳州芗城区、仙游县、安溪县、龙岩县、建瓯
Eight Immortals tea in 1965 in Zhaoan Xianxiu local sexual groups, to individual selection, clonal propagation of a new clonal tea species. In 1982, the Longxi District Science and Technology Commission organized an on-site appraisal and named it “Baxiancha” because it was bred in Tingyang Tea Plantation under Baxian Mountain in Xitan Township. Baxian tea is the province in recent years, successful breeding new varieties of oolong tea bud early seed. As of the end of 1986, there were about 3.5 million tea seedlings in Ting Yang Chachang and Tai Bu Tsuen in Taiping Township (originally introduced from Ting Yang Chachang), nearly 20 in Fujian and Guangdong provinces Six counties (cities) planted 1,669 acres. Among them, the expansion of Zhaoan County covers an area of 849 acres; Yunxiao County, Changtai County, Hua’an County, Pinghe County, Zhangzhou City, Xianyou County, Anxi County, Longyan County, Jianou County