1990年对大连近海光棘球海胆生殖腺指数进行周年调查 ,并对其生殖腺发育进行了组织学观察。结果表明 :该海区光棘球海胆的自然繁殖期为 7月末至 9月下旬 ,盛期为 8月中下旬至 9月上旬 ,这一时期的水温为 2 2~ 2 0℃ ,处于水温自然下降季节。雄性成熟略早于雌性。全年生殖腺肥满期出现在 6~ 8月 ,消瘦期为 10月至翌年 4月 ,因而海胆的采捕期以 6~ 8月初为宜
In 1990, the annual gonadal index of Echinochloa crus-galli in Dalian was investigated, and its gonadal development was observed by histology. The results showed that the natural reproduction period of Echinochloa in the sea area was from the end of July to the end of September, with the peak from late August to early September. The water temperature in this period was 22 ~ 20 ℃, season. Male mature slightly earlier than female. The full year of reproductive gland fat appear in 6 to August, weight loss period from October to April the following year, so the acquisition of sea urchin 6 to early August appropriate