有不少画家,虽然作品传世,可是他们的姓名却不见画史记载。比如鼎鼎大名的《清明上河图》卷的作者张择端,就只靠画幅后面金代张著的一段跋语,才使我们得以了解他零星而简单的生平,而画史及其他文献中并无关于张择端的任何材料。 笔者下面所谈的画家冷铨,亦属同样情况。冷姓在《百家姓》中与张、王、李、赵、陈等相比,只是个小姓。姓冷而又能作画的,则更为罕见了。俞剑华编著的《中国美术家
Many painters, although the works handed down, but their names are not recorded in the history of painting. For example, Zhang Dingduan, the author of the famous “Qingming Riverside” volume, relied on a piece of paper written by Jin Dynasty behind the canvas to make us understand his sporadic and simple life, but there was no relationship between the history of painting and other documents Zhang optional end of any material. The same is true of Leng Quan, the artist I talked about below. Cold surnames in the “hundred surnames” and Zhang, Wang, Li, Zhao, Chen, compared to just a small surname. Surname cold and can paint, then more rare. Yu Jianhua edited "Chinese artist