
来源 :中国城乡企业卫生 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:
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目的为了保护员工身体健康,对主要职业病危害因素进行检测并提出防护对策。方法依据生产工艺,实施调查与检测。结果下料岗矽尘的时间加权平均浓度为0.4 95 mg/m3,超限倍数为1.4 85。混料岗矽尘的TW A分别为1.6 7 0和4.1 7 0 mg/m3、超限倍数为5.0 1 0和1 2.51 0。锅炉房空气中一氧化碳TW A为5.37 5 mg/m3、短时间接触浓度(STEL)为5.6 2 5 mg/m3。车间下料、成品包装及环境噪声测量值分别为7 5.5、7 7.1、7 5.1 d B(A)。结论该公司生产过程中的主要职业病危害因素为粉尘、一氧化碳及噪声。其中粉尘是主要的职业病危害因素。混料岗粉尘的浓度超标,下料岗矽尘浓度、锅炉房空气中一氧化碳浓度符合职业接触限值的要求。下料岗、成品包装岗及环境的噪声未超过职业接触限值。 Objective In order to protect employees’ health, the main occupational hazards were tested and protective measures were proposed. Method According to the production process, the implementation of investigation and testing. Results The time-weighted average concentration of feedstock silica dust was 0.4 95 mg / m3 and the over-limit multiplier was 1.485. The TW A of the mixed silica was 1.6 700 and 4.1 700 mg / m3, respectively, and the over-limit multiples were 5.0 10 and 12.51 0. The carbon monoxide in the air of the boiler room, TW A, was 5.37 5 mg / m3 and the STEL was 5.6 2 5 mg / m3. Workshop cutting, finished packaging and environmental noise measurements were 7 5.5,7 7.1,7 5.1 d B (A). Conclusion The main occupational hazards in the company’s production process are dust, carbon monoxide and noise. Which dust is the main occupational hazards. Mixing Gang dust concentration exceeded, the concentration of silicon dust under the post, the concentration of carbon monoxide in the boiler room air in line with the requirements of occupational exposure limits. Unloading post, finished product packaging post and the noise of the environment did not exceed the occupational exposure limits.
目的 在体外成功分离培养骨髓间充质干细胞(hMSCs)的基础上,观察体外冲击波(ESW)联合自体MSCs移植治疗骨折延迟愈合及骨不连的疗效.方法对17例(观察组)骨不连患者进行体外冲击波联合自体干细胞移植,并与同期只接受体外冲击波治疗的31例(对照组)患者进行疗效观察,每4周复查患肢X线片,9个月后比较愈合率和平均愈合时间.结果 2组骨不连患者接受治疗后均观察到新生骨痂的形成,其中对尺桡骨骨折不连 记事式rn无需强调刺激和感情色彩,只需如实将广告本文的要点,或与本文有关的事实简练地点明即可.
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