认真学习《军队医院管理》 提高医院管理水平

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最近,总后卫生部已把《军队医院管理》(第二版)印发全军医疗卫生部门。《军队医院管理》(第二版),是在1963年编的《军队医院管理》(初稿)的基础上修订的。它系统地科学地总结了30多年来我军医院管理正反两方面的经验,引进了一些现代组织管理(即系统工程)知识,从我军医院的实际情况出发,提出了一套医院组织管理的科学理论和方法。认真学习《军队医院管理》,必将大大提高我军医院领导干部的组织管理能力,提高我军医院的组织管理水平,促进我军医院的现代化建设。随着现代科学技术的发展,医院组织管理已不是一个简单的一般的行政管理问题, Recently, the General Post-Ministry of Health has issued the “Army Hospital Management” (second edition) to the entire military health department. Military Hospital Management (Second Edition) was revised on the basis of the 1963 Military Hospital Management (First Draft). It systematically and scientifically summed up both positive and negative experiences of hospital management over the past 30 years and introduced some knowledge of modern organization and management (ie, systematic engineering). Based on the actual situation in our military hospitals, a set of hospital organization and management Scientific theory and method. Conscientiously studying “military hospital management” will surely greatly enhance the organization and management ability of leading cadres in our military hospitals, improve the organization and management of our military hospitals, and promote the modernization of our military hospitals. With the development of modern science and technology, hospital organization and management is no longer a simple general administrative problem.
2012年9月3日  今天,是开学的第一天,天空中下着雨,但是,我们的心情还是非常高兴的,因为终于可以见到我亲爱的老师和同学们了。  进校门以后,我感觉到校园在雨中非常美丽,雨也非常美丽!我盯着眼前的雨,豆大的雨点落在地上,溅起了一个个小水花,如同一个个小小的喷泉。水花落在地上的时候,又变成了一个个小水泡,每个小水泡看起来都像一顶顶透明的小帽子。细心看那雨点变成一个个小帽子的过程,真是有趣极了!只