本期我们将为您带来一档优秀的美国真人秀节目:Project Runway,中文名为《天桥骄子》。其每季由专业或业余服装设计师自由报名参赛,节目组甄选出13至15名设计师入围,拍摄并制作播放入围后的全部比赛过程。在比赛中,设计师们会接受不同任务的考验,每集至少淘汰一人,最后留下的三强选手能在著名时装周中展示自己的成衣系列,而最终获胜的设计师则会获得丰厚奖赏。该节目设计师整体水平最高的公认为第四季。我们选择了第四季中较出彩的一集向您集中展示设计师们才华横溢的设计,以及他们是如何在短暂的时限里制作出精美的服装。在配套视频里,您还将欣赏到赏心悦目的T台秀。
This issue we will bring you an excellent American reality show: Project Runway, Chinese called “bridge pride.” Each season, freelance and professional dress designers sign up for the competition. The program team selected 13 to 15 designers for finalists, filmed and played for the entire race. In the competition, designers will be tested in different tasks, each set eliminated at least one person, the last remaining top three players in the famous Fashion Week to display their clothing line, and the ultimate winner of the designer will get huge rewards . The overall highest level of the show’s designers generally recognized as the fourth quarter. We chose the fourth quarter of the more outstanding color set to show you the talented designer designers, and how they are in a short period of time to make beautiful costumes. In the accompanying video, you will also enjoy the pleasing T station show.