修世华同志的文章我已仔细拜读,觉得作者提出了不是人云亦云的而是经过自己多年思考的一些看法,对理论探讨殊多启发。我因视力故障,一时不能写长文参加讨论。现在先提几点看法,与世华同志和同行们共同切磋,希望能有助于贯彻双百方针,繁荣学术。 一、正如修文所说,费孝通先生在80年代初曾对“民族自我意识”作过“最通俗、最精彩、最权威的解释和表述”。
I have read carefully the article of Shih Tzu-hua comrades, and I feel that the author has put forward some ideas that he has not given the price but thought through his many years of thinking. I was unable to write a long essay because of my sight failure. Now, I will make some comments at first, and I would like to learn from Comrade Shih-Hua and my colleagues in the hope of helping to implement the “two hundred principles” and prosper my academic achievements. First, just as Xiuwen said, in the early 1980s, Mr. Fei Xiaotong had made “the most popular, the most wonderful and the most authoritative explanation and expression” of “national self-awareness.”