编辑同志:最近几年,在少数职工学校中,存在教学质量差,白送文凭的现象。这种做法危害很大: 一害学员。一些职工入学目的不端正,不是为了掌握知识,而是镀金混文凭,平时不努力,考试时要挟老师降低要求或透露考题。考场上,偷看书、抄笔记、传条子、对答案、“互相帮助”,凡此种种,举不胜举。文凭是拿到了,可是适应不了工作需要,反而养成作弊的毛病,害了学员自己。
Editorial Comrades: In recent years, among a few staff and workers’ schools, there is a phenomenon of poor teaching and giving away diplomas altogether. This approach is very harmful: a student. The purpose of some workers is not correct, not to master the knowledge, but gilded mixed diploma, usually do not work hard, when exams to reduce the demand or disclose the teacher questions. Examination room, peek reading book, copy notes, biography slips, the answer to “help each other”, all these are endless. Diploma is got, but can not meet the needs of work, but to develop the problems of cheating, harming the students themselves.