To explore the influence of three types of important relationships on the shared feelings of migrant workers in two types of negative moral events. Adopt paper pen experiment based on situational story method. A total of 6 subjects were enrolled using 2 (family ethics, negative obligations) × 3 (parent-child / female relationship, fellow-country relationship, co-worker relationship). The number of valid participants in each group was 299,296,297,296 , 298,292, a total of 1778. As a result, individuals are only shared face-to-face with members of the family when they violate family ethics, and share face-to-face with family members. When relationships violate negative obligations, individuals experience differences in relation to others Degree of face sharing. In conclusion, migrant workers experienced different levels of face-sharing experience when their relationship with others violated family ethics or negative obligations, and the extent of face-sharing was significantly different with the distance.