A high-performance narrowband high temperature superconducting filter

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:weiyuhang99
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Recent development of a high-performance narrowband high-temperature superconducting (HTS) filter is presented. A 10-pole quasi-elliptic function response filter with two pairs of transmission zeros (for high selectivity), which has a center frequency of 2.185 GHz and a 3 dB bandwidth of 10 MHz (a fractional bandwidth of 0.45%), is introduced. The filter was fabricated on a 40 mm×16 mm×0.5 mm MgO wafer with double-sided YBCO films. The measured results show that the filter has 0.15 dB insertion loss at the center of the passband and a return loss better than -22.5 dB at a temperature of 67 K.Band edge steepness reaches over 28.3 dB/MHz at both the low and high frequency edges. The out-of-band rejection is over 78 dB at 8 MHz away from the center frequency and close to 100 dB in a wideband range. A 10-pole quasi-elliptic function response filter with two pairs of transmission zeros (for high selectivity), which has a center frequency of 2.185 GHz and a 3 dB bandwidth of 10 MHz (a fractional bandwidth of 0.45%), is introduced. The filter results are displayed on the filter has 40 mm × 16 mm × 0.5 mm MgO wafer with double-sided YBCO films. 0.15 dB insertion loss at the center of the passband and a return loss better than -22.5 dB at a temperature of 67 K.Band edge steepness reaches over 28.3 dB / MHz at both the low and high frequency edges. The out-of-band rejection is over 78 dB at 8 MHz away from the center frequency and close to 100 dB in a wideband range.
1 前言 IGCP是国际地质对比计划的英文缩写,IGCP-299项的标题是地质、气候、水文与岩溶形成。该项目有35个国家的227位专家参加,我国的袁道先教授为国际工作组主席,Hoetzl教
甘肃省张掖市高台县位于河西走廊中部,黑河干流中游下段,地处巴丹吉林沙漠南缘,全县辖9个乡(镇),136个行政村,人口15.7万人,耕地总面积34.91万亩。截至2009年底, Gaotai Cou
自1995年10月至1997年12月 ,我们选择了手术未切净、放疗后复发转移的头颈部恶性肿瘤和食管癌患者共48例 ,以大剂量卡铂为主 ,组成联合化疗方案进行化疗 ,现将所见外周血象变化分析如下。1材
目的探讨心脏超声对A C E I类药物福辛普利和β受体阻断药美托洛尔联合治疗慢性充血性心力衰竭临床效果评价的可行性。方法选择慢性充血性心力衰竭患者共4 2例,随机分为观察