
来源 :中山大学研究生学刊(人文社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yayayda
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本文根据陕西省1995~2009年统计年鉴中相关的经济和环境数据,建立了人均GDP与典型环境指标工业三废、工业二氧化硫以及烟尘排放量的计量模型,并对其变化原因进行了分析,结果表明,陕西省经济发展与环境污染的计量模型中,并未出现典型的“倒U”型曲线模型,而是各有其特点,烟尘排放量与工业废气排放量都没有出现转折趋势,工业固废排放量几乎呈现直线式上升,工业废水和工业二氧化硫的污染已经有所好转,但趋势还不太稳定,文章根据各指标之间的拟合曲线对陕西省未来的经济发展与环境污染关系做出预测,提出了一些建议。 Based on the relevant economic and environmental data from the Statistical Yearbook of Shaanxi Province from 1995 to 2009, this paper established a measurement model of per capita GDP and typical environmental indicators of industrial waste, industrial sulfur dioxide and soot emissions, and analyzed the reasons for the changes, the results show , Shaanxi Province, the economic development and environmental pollution in the measurement model does not appear typical “inverted U ” curve model, but each have their own characteristics, emissions of soot and industrial emissions have not shown a turning point in the trend of industrial Solid waste emissions almost linear upward, industrial wastewater and industrial sulfur dioxide pollution has improved, but the trend is not yet stable, the article based on the fitting curve between the indicators of Shaanxi Province in the future economic development and environmental pollution Make a prediction, put forward some suggestions.
摘要:随着科技的不断发展,为了更好的贯彻科教兴国战略,培养适应现代科技发展的人才,我国进行了新课标改革。在新课改背景下高中化学实验教学的改革,利于提高高中化学教学的效率。此文分析了高中原来化学实验教学中存在的问题,并阐述了新课改背景下高中化学实验教学的优势,探讨了新课改背景下的高中化学实验教学方法,希望能够提高高中化学实验教学质量和水平。  关键词:新课改; 高中化学;实验教学  随着教育体制的改