小学生的健康与饮水有密切的关系,我县农村历来有喝生水的习惯,近几年来.由于有关部门共同努力,基本解决了学生在校饮水问题。但我县小学生肠道传染病水型暴发时有发生。为了解小学生饮水卫生的知识和习惯,以便发现问题和及时采取切实有效的措施解决问题,我站在1990年3、4月间开展了本次调查。1 对象和方法1.1 调查对象: 按抽取全县2%左右小学生的标准,随机抽取6个乡镇的10所小学校(每个乡镇各取一所中心校和村校)。并按随机抽样原则,抽取1
The health of primary school students has a close relationship with drinking water. The rural areas of our county have always had the habit of drinking raw water. In recent years, due to the joint efforts of relevant departments, the problem of drinking water in schools has been basically solved. However, my county primary intestinal infectious disease outbreaks have occurred. In order to understand the knowledge and habits of primary school students in drinking water hygiene in order to identify problems and take prompt and effective measures to solve the problems, I conducted this survey in March and April 1990. 1 Subjects and methods 1.1 The survey: According to the sampling of 2% of the county primary and secondary school students, randomly selected six towns and 10 primary schools (each township take a central school and village school). According to the principle of random sampling, draw 1